Differences between revisions 209 and 211 (spanning 2 versions)
Revision 209 as of 2013-06-11 15:28:25
Size: 6211
Editor: rockford1
Comment: Added link to an example
Revision 211 as of 2013-06-11 15:54:55
Size: 6250
Editor: rockford1
Comment: I think I'm done now.
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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  * [[Getting Started]] -- Installation and getting up and running
  * [[How to Learn wxPython]] -- Basics about teaching yourself wxPython
  * '''[[Getting Started]]''' -- Installation and getting up and running
  * '''[[How to Learn wxPython]]''' -- Basics about teaching yourself wxPython
  * '''SizerTutorials''' -- A series of tutorials showing how to use the various sizers
  * '''UsingSizers''' -- How to avoid common sizer misconceptions and pitfalls.
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  * SizerTutorials -- A series of tutorials showing how to use the various sizers
  * UsingSizers -- How to avoid common sizer misconceptions and pitfalls.
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 <<BR>> API References
  * [[http://www.wxpython.org/docs/api/frames.html|wxPython.org Reference]] - Frames version of the API for the latest stable release (
  * [[http://xoomer.virgilio.it/infinity77/wxPython/APIMain.html|wxPython Docs]] - Andrea Gavana's Docs for wxPython generated with [[http://sphinx-doc.org/|Sphinx]] in 2008.
  * [[http://docs.wxwidgets.org/stable/wx_contents.html|wxWidgits.org]] - Should you choose to take the red pill.
 <<BR>> API References:
  * [[http://www.wxpython.org/docs/api/frames.html|wxPython.org Reference]] -- Frames version of the API for the latest stable release (
  * [[http://xoomer.virgilio.it/infinity77/wxPython/APIMain.html|wxPython Docs]] -- Andrea Gavana's Docs for wxPython generated with [[http://sphinx-doc.org/|Sphinx]] in 2008.
  * [[http://docs.wxwidgets.org/stable/wx_contents.html|wxWidgits.org]] -- Should you choose to take the red pill.
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 <<BR>> Text Books  <<BR>> Text Books:
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 (note: many advanced topics are covered in [[wxPython Cookbook]].)
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  * [[ModelViewController]] -- Separation of concerns in wxPython.   * [[ModelViewController]] -- Separation of concerns in wxPython. See also: [[wxPython Patterns]]
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 <<BR>> Recipes and Examples:
  * '''[[wxPython Cookbook]]''' -- Recipes for cooking specific features using wxPython
  * [[Using wxPython Demo Code]] -- Explains how to take code from the wxPython Demo and use it in your own projects
  * [[wxPython by Example]] -- A simple example the illustrates several techniques that would be useful in a proper application.
  * [[FullyFunctionalDemo]] -- Meant to illustrate functionality, not style.
  * [[GridCellChoiceEditor]] -- Dynamic list updating with a wx.grid.GridCellChoiceEditor
  * [[StephenMtangoo/Mtangoo Code snippets|wxPython Classes interactions]]
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  * '''[[Frequently Asked Questions]]''' -- Answers to a few FAQs
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  * [[Frequently Asked Questions]] -- Answers to a few FAQs
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 <<BR>> Recipes and Examples:
  * [[FullyFunctionalDemo]] -- Meant to illustrate functionality, not style.
  * [[Using wxPython Demo Code]] -- Explains how to take code from the wxPython Demo and use it in your own projects
  * '''[[wxPython Cookbook]]''' -- Recipes for cooking specific features using wxPython
  * [[wxPython by Example]] - A simple example the illustrates several techniques that would be useful in a proper application.
   * '''[[wxPython Patterns]]''' -- Recipes and documents describing wxPython and design patterns
  * '''[[GridCellChoiceEditor]]''' -- Dynamic list updating with a wx.grid.GridCellChoiceEditor
  * [[StephenMtangoo/Mtangoo Code snippets|wxPython Classes interactions]]
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  * [[http://avc.inrim.it/|AVC, Application View Controller]] a fully automatic, live connection among graphical interface widgets and application variables.   * [[http://avc.inrim.it/|AVC, Application View Controller]] -- a fully automatic, live connection among graphical interface widgets and application variables.
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  * WxWrappers - application frameworks written around WxPython, such as PythonCard and [[Wax]]
  * [[wxGlade]], [[wxDesigner]] and [[http://www.wxformbuilder.org/|wxFormBuilder]] - graphic editors
  * WxWrappers -- application frameworks written around WxPython, such as PythonCard and [[Wax]]
  * [[wxGlade]], [[wxDesigner]] and [[http://www.wxformbuilder.org/|wxFormBuilder]] -- graphic editors

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FrontPage (last edited 2019-08-15 23:22:17 by RobinDunn)

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