Fully Functional Demo
When i want to learn something new i like to see a fully functional program which i can tinker with and change. This program is written for wxPython- by an amateur, probably full of worst practices! But attempts to show many of the common widgets in action. The wxPython code is in two files and the database access code in a separate file called 'utilities.py'. There are three versions of the utilities file to access a postgresql, firebird or mysql database. Any one wishing to actually run this program could either use this or build his own utilities module using his favourite database or flat files or shelves and pickles or whatever. There has been some debate on the advisability of using a rdbms in a demo. But in the real world this happens. Here the data access functions are all grouped in 'utitlities.py' and it would be a trivial exercise to translate the functions to suit ones favourite database.
This program is a mini address book. You can view and print the address book, add, edit and delete items. The two wxPython files are managepersons.py and addperson.py:
Werner Bruhin has contributed a firebird version of the utilities.py and the sql, which are at the end of the wiki.
Mike Fletcher has written a Py Table version of utilities.py, this should support Py SQLite, Py PgSQL and MySQLdb - the files are posted after Werner's files
I keep correcting the indentation, but it keeps getting jumbled up - sorry!
import wx from addperson import addperson from utilities import * from wxPython.lib.printout import PrintTable ADD=wx.NewId() EDIT=wx.NewId() CLOSE=wx.NewId() DISPLAY=wx.NewId() DELETE=wx.NewId() PRINT=wx.NewId() class managepersons(wx.Dialog): def __init__(self,parent,id,title, **kwds): # begin wxGlade: manage_users.__init__ self.idu = '' self.title = "Manage Persons" self.parent=parent kwds["style"] = wx.RESIZE_BORDER wx.Dialog.__init__(self, parent,id,title, **kwds) self.lctsup = wx.ListCtrl(self, DISPLAY, style=wx.LC_REPORT|wx.LC_SINGLE_SEL, size=(1,150)) self.lctsup.InsertColumn(0,'Title') self.lctsup.InsertColumn(1,'First Name') self.lctsup.InsertColumn(2,'Last Name') self.lctsup.InsertColumn(3,'Profession') self.butadd = wx.Button(self, ADD, "Add") self.butedit = wx.Button(self, EDIT, "Edit") self.butdelete = wx.Button(self, DELETE, "Delete") self.butprint = wx.Button(self, PRINT, "Print") self.butclose = wx.Button(self, CLOSE, "Close") self.refresh() self.__do_layout() def __do_layout(self): boxa = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) boxt = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) boxb = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) boxt.Add(self.lctsup, 1, wx.EXPAND) boxb.Add(self.butadd, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL|wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL) boxb.Add(self.butedit, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL|wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL) boxb.Add(self.butdelete, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL|wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL) boxb.Add(self.butprint, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL|wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL) boxb.Add(self.butclose, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL|wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL) boxa.Add(boxt,1, wx.EXPAND) boxa.Add(boxb,0, wx.EXPAND) self.SetAutoLayout(1) self.SetSizer(boxa) boxa.Fit(self) boxa.SetSizeHints(self) self.Layout() wx.EVT_BUTTON(self, ADD, self.add) wx.EVT_BUTTON(self, EDIT, self.edit) wx.EVT_BUTTON(self, DELETE, self.delete) wx.EVT_LIST_ITEM_SELECTED(self, DISPLAY, self.display) wx.EVT_BUTTON(self, CLOSE, self.close) wx.EVT_BUTTON(self, PRINT, self.onprint) def close(self, event): self.Destroy() def refresh(self): self.lctsup.DeleteAllItems() x = 0 self.personList = getpersons() #external program for k in self.personList: self.lctsup.InsertStringItem(x,k['salutation']) self.lctsup.SetStringItem(x,1,k['fname']) self.lctsup.SetStringItem(x,2,str(k['lname'])) self.lctsup.SetStringItem(x,3,str(k['profession'])) x += 1 def add(self, event): aperson = addperson(self, -1, "Add New Person", False, 0) val=aperson.ShowModal() if val: self.refresh() def edit(self, event): if self.idu: aperson = addperson(self, -1, "Edit Person", True, self.idu) val=aperson.ShowModal() if val: self.refresh() def delete(self, event): if self.idu: mg = "Are You Sure You want to delete %s" %(getname(self.idu)) msg = wx.MessageDialog(self,mg,"Warning",wx.OK|wx.CANCEL) res = msg.ShowModal() msg.Destroy() if res == wx.ID_OK: tes = deleteperson(self.idu) #external program if tes: #display error message error = wx.MessageDialog(self,"Delete Failed","Error", wx.OK) error.ShowModal() error.Destroy() else: self.refresh() def display(self,event): curitem = event.m_itemIndex fitem = self.lctsup.GetItem(curitem,1).GetText() litem = self.lctsup.GetItem(curitem,2).GetText() self.idu = getid(fitem,litem) def onprint(self,evt): data = [] data.append(["Salutation","First Name","Last Name","Profession"]) for k in self.personList: data.append([k['salutation'],k['fname'],k['lname'], k['profession']]) prt = PrintTable(self.parent) prt.data = data[1:] prt.left_margin = .2 prt.set_column = [ 2,2,2,2] prt.label = data[0] prt.top_margin = 1 prt.SetLandscape() prt.SetHeader("Person List Report", size = 30) prt.SetFooter("Page No", colour = wx.NamedColour('RED'), type ="Num") prt.SetRowSpacing(10,10) prt.Print() class app(wx.App): def OnInit(self): frame=managepersons(None,-1,'') self.SetTopWindow(frame) frame.Show() return 1 if __name__ == "__main__": prog = app(0) prog.MainLoop()
And this is addperson.py
import wx from wxPython.lib.rcsizer import RowColSizer from utilities import * ADD=wx.NewId() CANCEL=wx.NewId() class addperson(wx.Dialog): def __init__(self,parent,id,title,edit,idu,**kwds): #initialisation self.title = title self.edit = edit self.idu = 0 self.parms = { 'fname':'', 'lname':'', 'profession':'', 'salutation':'', } salutations = ['Dr','Mr','Ms'] professions = ['Doctor','Lawyer','Engineer'] if edit: self.parms = getpersonparms(idu) self.idu = idu wx.Dialog.__init__(self,parent,id,title,**kwds) #create the widgets self.Salute = wx.RadioBox(self, -1,"Salutation: ", wx.DefaultPosition,wx.DefaultSize,salutations,1,wx.RA_SPECIFY_ROWS) self.Salute.SetStringSelection(self.parms['salutation']) self.labfname = wx.StaticText(self, -1, "First Name:") self.Fname = wx.TextCtrl(self, -1, self.parms['fname']) self.lablname = wx.StaticText(self, -1, "Last Name:") self.Lname = wx.TextCtrl(self, -1, self.parms['lname']) self.labprofession = wx.StaticText(self, -1,"Profession:") self.Profession = wx.ComboBox(self, -1, choices=professions, style=wx.CB_DROPDOWN) self.Profession.SetValue(self.parms['profession']) self.butsave = wx.Button(self, ADD, "Save") self.butcancel = wx.Button(self, CANCEL, "Cancel") self.Fname.SetSize((320, 26)) self.Fname.SetMaxLength(40) self.Lname.SetSize((320, 26)) self.Lname.SetMaxLength(40) self.__do_layout() def __do_layout(self): self.SetPosition([300,250]) boxl = RowColSizer() boxl.Add(self.Salute, row=1, col=1, colspan=2) boxl.Add(self.labfname, row=2, col=1) boxl.Add(self.Fname, row=2, col=2) boxl.Add(self.lablname, row=3, col=1) boxl.Add(self.Lname, row=3, col=2) boxl.Add(self.labprofession, row=4, col=1) boxl.Add(self.Profession, row=4, col=2) boxb = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) boxb.Add(self.butsave, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL|wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL, 0) boxb.Add(50,10,0) boxb.Add(self.butcancel, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL|wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL, 0) boxl.Add(boxb, row=5, col=2) for x in range(1,5): boxl.AddSpacer(75,30, pos=(x,1)) boxl.AddSpacer(380,1, pos=(x,2)) boxl.AddSpacer(75,30,pos=(5,1)) self.SetAutoLayout(1) self.SetSizer(boxl) boxl.Fit(self) boxl.SetSizeHints(self) self.Layout() wx.EVT_BUTTON(self, ADD, self.add) wx.EVT_BUTTON(self, CANCEL, self.cancel) def cancel(self,event): self.EndModal(0) def add(self, event): ok = True msg = '' parms = self.parms parms['lname'] = self.Lname.GetValue().strip() #strip to get rid of leading and trailing spaces parms['fname'] = self.Fname.GetValue() parms['profession'] = self.Profession.GetValue() parms['salutation'] = self.Salute.GetStringSelection() #check that all fields are filled for k,v in parms.items(): if v == '': msg += "Fill in %s" %(k.capitalize()) ok = False #if edit mode if self.edit: #check for duplicates msg,ok = duplicedit(parms['fname'], parms['lname'],self.idu,msg,ok) if ok: updateperson(parms,self.idu) #external program self.EndModal(1) else: #display error message error = wx.MessageDialog(self,msg,'Error',wx.OK) error.ShowModal() error.Destroy() #if add mode else: msg,ok = duplic(parms['fname'],parms['lname'],msg,ok) if ok: enterperson(parms) #external program self.EndModal(1) else: error = wx.MessageDialog(self,msg,'Error',wx.OK) error.ShowModal() error.Destroy()
The database stuff is in utilities.py
import psycopg def dbi(): dbi = psycopg.connect("dbname=persdb host=localhost\ user=postgres password=postgres") return dbi def duplic(fname,lname,msg,ok): dup = False db = dbi() curs = db.cursor() curs.execute("select * from persons where fname = '%s'\ and lname='%s'" % (fname,lname)) row = curs.fetchone() if row: ok = False msg += "Duplicate Entry: %s" %(item) return msg, ok def duplicedit(fname,lname,id,msg,ok): dup = False db = dbi() curs = db.cursor() curs.execute("select * from persons where fname = '%s'\ and lname='%s' and id != %s" % (fname,lname,id)) row = curs.fetchone() if row: ok = False msg += "Duplicate Entry: %s" %(item) return msg, ok def getpersonparms(id): db = dbi() cur = db.cursor() cur.execute("select * from persons where id = %s" %(id)) k = cur.dictfetchone() return k def getpersons(): db = dbi() cur = db.cursor() cur.execute("select * from persons order by lname,fname") li = cur.dictfetchall() return li def getname(id): res = '' db = dbi() try: cur = db.cursor() cur.execute("select fname from persons\ where id = %s" %(id)) res = cur.fetchone()[0] except: pass return res def getid(fname,lname): res = '' db = dbi() cur = db.cursor() try: cur.execute("select id from persons\ where fname = '%s' and lname='%s'" %(fname,lname)) res = cur.fetchone()[0] except: pass return res def deleteperson(id): con = dbi() c = con.cursor() delete = 0 try: c.execute("delete from persons\ where id = %s" % (int(id))) con.commit() except: delete = 1 return delete def updateperson(parms,id): con = dbi() c = con.cursor() c.execute("update persons \ set lname='%s', fname='%s', salutation='%s',profession='%s'\ where id = %s" % (parms['lname'],parms['fname'],parms['salutation'], parms['profession'],id)) con.commit() def enterperson(parms): con = dbi() c = con.cursor() c.execute("insert into persons(fname,lname,profession,salutation)\ values ('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s')" % (parms['fname'], parms['lname'],parms['profession'],parms['salutation'])) con.commit()
SQL schema for database: persons.sql
create table persons( id serial unique, fname varchar(25) not null, lname varchar(25) not null, salutation varchar(10) not null, profession varchar(25) not null, CONSTRAINT personkey primary key(fname,lname) );
Firebird version of utilities.py
"""A Firebird (tested on 1.5) version of utilities """ import kinterbasdb updatestmt = '''update persons set fname = ?, lname = ?, profession = ?, salutation = ? where id = ?''' insertstmt = '''insert into persons(fname, lname, profession, salutation) values (?, ?, ?, ?)''' def dbi(): dbi = kinterbasdb.connect(database='C:\Dev\RealWorldSample\persdb.fdb', host='localhost', user='SYSDBA', password='masterkey') return dbi def duplic(fname,lname,msg,ok): dup = False db = dbi() curs = db.cursor() curs.execute('''select * from persons where fname = '%s' and lname='%s' ''' % (fname,lname)) row = curs.fetchone() if row: ok = False msg += "Duplicate Entry: %s" %(item) return msg, ok def duplicedit(fname,lname,id,msg,ok): dup = False db = dbi() curs = db.cursor() curs.execute('''select * from persons where fname = '%s' and lname='%s' and id != %s''' % (fname,lname,id)) row = curs.fetchone() if row: ok = False #msg += "Duplicate Entry: %s" %(item) msg += "Duplicate Entry: %s %s" %(fname, lname) return msg, ok def getpersonparms(id): db = dbi() cur = db.cursor() cur.execute("select * from persons where id = %s" %(id)) k = cur.fetchonemap() return k def getpersons(): db = dbi() cur = db.cursor() cur.execute("select * from persons order by lname,fname") li = cur.fetchallmap() return li def getname(id): res = '' db = dbi() try: cur = db.cursor() cur.execute('''select fname from persons where id = %s''' %(id)) res = cur.fetchone()[0] except: pass return res def getid(fname,lname): res = '' db = dbi() cur = db.cursor() try: cur.execute('''select id from persons where fname = '%s' and lname='%s' ''' %(fname,lname)) res = cur.fetchone()[0] except: pass return res def deleteperson(id): con = dbi() c = con.cursor() delete = 0 try: c.execute('''delete from persons where id = %s''' % (int(id))) con.commit() except: delete = 1 return delete def updateperson(parms,id): con = dbi() c = con.cursor() # coding style 1 if True == 0: c.execute('''update persons set lname='%s', fname='%s', salutation='%s', profession='%s' where id = %s''' % (parms['lname'],parms['fname'],parms['salutation'], parms['profession'],id)) # coding style 2 elif True == 0: c.execute(updatestmt, (parms['fname'], parms['lname'], parms['profession'], parms['salutation'], id)) # coding style 3 elif True == 1: parms['id'] = id c.execute('''update persons set lname='%(lname)s', fname='%(fname)s', salutation='%(salutation)s', profession='%(profession)s' where id = %(id)s''' % parms) con.commit() def enterperson(parms): con = dbi() c = con.cursor() # coding style 1 if True == 0: c.execute('''insert into persons(fname, lname, profession, salutation) values ('%(fname)s', '%(lname)s', '%(profession)s', '%(salutation)s')''' % parms) # coding style 2 elif True == 0: c.execute(insertstmt, (parms['fname'], parms['lname'], parms['profession'], parms['salutation'])) # coding style 3 elif True == 1: c.execute('''insert into persons (fname, lname, profession, salutation) values ('%(lname)s', '%(fname)s', '%(profession)s', '%(salutation)s')''' % parms) con.commit()
Firebird version of persons.sql
CREATE GENERATOR GEN_PERSONS_ID; create table persons( id integer not null, fname varchar(25) not null, lname varchar(25) not null, salutation varchar(10) not null, profession varchar(25) not null, CONSTRAINT personkey primary key(fname,lname) ); CREATE TRIGGER PERSONS_BI0 FOR PERSONS ACTIVE BEFORE INSERT POSITION 0 AS BEGIN IF(NEW."ID" IS NULL) THEN NEW."ID" = GEN_ID("GEN_PERSONS_ID",1); END;
== PyTable version of utilities.py
from pytable import dbspecifier, sqlquery import traceback # this would normally be parameterised and stored somewhere... SPECIFIER = dbspecifier.DBSpecifier( database = "addressdemo", drivername = "PyPgSQL", ) ##SPECIFIER = dbspecifier.DBSpecifier( ## database = ":memory:", ## drivername = "SQLite", ##) # Real PyTable apps use better mechanisms for accessing these... SCHEMA = None PERSONS = None # the only table we use # recreating connections to in-memory databases creates new dbs, # so for this cross-database case, we'll CONNECTION = None def dbi(): """Get a configured database connection Side effect is to ensure that we've got a resolved db schema and that the schema's table exists in the database... """ global SCHEMA, PERSONS, CONNECTION if CONNECTION is None or CONNECTION.invalid: driver, CONNECTION = SPECIFIER.connect() connection = CONNECTION if SCHEMA is None: import schema schema.schema.resolve( driver ) SCHEMA = schema.schema PERSONS = SCHEMA.lookupName( 'persons' ) if hasattr( driver, 'listTables' ): tables = driver.listTables( connection ) if 'persons' not in tables: # need to build the database... from pytable import installschema installschema.installSchema( connection, SCHEMA, ) connection.commit() return connection def duplic(fname,lname,msg,ok): dup = False for record in getperson( fname,lname ): return "Duplicate Entry: %s,%s %s" %(fname,lname, msg), False return msg, ok def duplicedit(fname,lname,id,msg,ok): dup = False for record in getperson( fname,lname, notID = id ): return "Duplicate Entry: %s,%s %s" %(fname,lname, msg), False return msg, ok def getperson( fname=None, lname=None, id=None, notID=None ): """Get person given sub-set of parameters""" wheres = [] for field,value in [ ('fname',fname), ('lname',lname), ('id',id), ]: if value is not None: wheres.append( '%(field)s=%%(%(field)s)s'%locals()) if notID is not None: wheres.append( 'id != %(notID)s' ) if wheres: wheres = ' WHERE ' + (" AND ".join( wheres )) else: wheres = "" connection = dbi() return PERSONS.query( """SELECT * FROM persons %(wheres)s ORDER BY lname,fname;""", connection, wheres = wheres, fname = fname, lname = lname, id = id, notID = notID, ) def getpersonparms(id): for record in getperson( id=id ): return record raise KeyError( "Unknown person id %r"%(id,)) def getpersons(): return getperson() def getname(id): try: for person in getperson(fname,lname): return person.fname except: return '' def getid(fname,lname): try: for person in getperson(fname,lname): return person.id except Exception, err: traceback.print_exc() return '' def deleteperson(id): # really should use deleteQuery on the record object... connection = dbi() delete = 0 try: PERSONS.itemClass( id = id ).deleteQuery( connection ) connection.commit() except: delete = 1 connection.rollback() return delete def updateperson(parms,id): connection = dbi() try: # normally you would use a record directly to # do this updating, which requires us to do an # extra query to get the old primary key to do # the updates... person = PERSONS.itemClass( id=id ) person.refreshQuery( connection ) for key,value in parms.items(): setattr(person, key,value) person.updateQuery( connection ) connection.commit() except Exception, err: traceback.print_exc() raise def enterperson(parms): connection = dbi() try: newID = 0 for record in sqlquery.SQLQuery( """SELECT max(id) FROM persons;""", )( connection ): try: newID = record[0]+1 except TypeError, err: # attempted to add to None newID = 1 break person = PERSONS.itemClass( id=newID, **parms ) person.insertQuery( connection ) connection.commit() except Exception, err: traceback.print_exc() raise
SQL for PyTable
from pytable.schemabuilder import * schema = database( name="addressdemo", comment = """Database for the "ready-to-run" wxPython demo""", tables = [ table( "persons", comment ="""Storage for the simple person-editing demo""", fields = [ field( # PostgreSQL's serial type is not supported by many database engines "id", "integer", 0, """Serial identity field for the person""", constraints=[ unique()], ), field( "fname", "varchar", 25, """Given (first) name for the individual""", defaultValue = "''", constraints=[ notNull()], ), field( "lname", "varchar", 25, """Family (last) name for the individual""", defaultValue = "''", constraints=[ notNull()], ), field( "salutation", "varchar", 10, """Appropriate greeting/salutation for written correspondence""", defaultValue = "''", constraints=[ notNull()], ), field( "profession", "varchar", 25, """Profession in which the individual is involved""", defaultValue = "''", constraints=[ notNull()], ), ], indices = [ index( name='personkey', primary=True, fields=('fname','lname') ), ], ), ], )