wxPythonPit for Libs/Modules
Please use this page to list your libs and modules that you make available for other use by other wxPython developers. Add a WikiName for your lib or module to the list below, and on that new page give a short description, screenshots, links to your app's homepage, etc.
SevenSegmentDisp -- a control that simulates a 7-segment display.
Metamenus -- an easier way to create menus and menubars.
FoldPanelBar -- a Windows Explorer-like control with foldable panels
HyperLinkCtrl -- a static text control with hyperlink capabilities
BalloonTip -- a class useful to recreate the Windows XP Balloon Tip help that we usually see in the taskbar
ExtendedChoice -- an extension of wx.Choice/wx.Combobox to include icons and items customization
EnhancedStatusBar -- an enhancement to the standard wxPython statusbar
ToasterBox -- an emulation of the MSN Toaster popup
SpeedMeter -- simulate angular controls like car speed/fuel/oil/RPM controls, temperature indicators, clocks and so on
AdvancedSplash -- a splashscreen with enhanced functionalities
ShapedButton -- circular and elliptical buttons for your application
PieCtrl -- emulates a pie control and a pie-shaped progress dialog
NotebookCtrl -- a notebook control with a lot of new gadgets
FloatSpin -- a spinctrl that handles floating point numbers (no rounding errors)
ThumbnailCtrl -- a widget that displays a series of images in a "thumbnail" format
TextCtrlAutoComplete -- a widget descendant from TextCtrl that has a dev defined popup ListBox to auto complete from. Works like text boxes in webpages inside Mozilla.
TextCtrlWithIcon -- a TextCtrl with an icon on the left side.
TG.Skinning -- Application skinning framwork for wxPython. Skins are XML with inline python, and a complete CSS engine in python.
LutCtrl -- a visual control to select a Look-up table from a list
ObjectListView -- a much easier to use wxListCtrl
SquareMap -- a control to display hierarchical data as a recursive set of nested squares, each of which represents the relative size of a given child within its parent.
pySlip -- pySlip is a 'slip map' widget for wxPython 4 and python 3.
DynaUI -- A framework to increase the scalability and flexibility of wxPython
MCOW Package -- Meticulously Crafted Optimal Widgets(MCOW) wxPython widgets package
Example Custom Button -- Custom button widget
domf wxpython tools -- Tools and widgets for wxPython.
Example Custom Button -- Custom button widget
re-wx -- A library for building modern declarative desktop applications in WX
wxWize -- wxPython object builder library
gsnodegraph -- Powerful nodegraph widget for wxpython GUIs, created for use in Gimel Studio
gswidgetkit -- Custom wxPython widgets created for use in Gimel Studio (similar style to Blender's widgets)
wxPySTC_DocMap -- Document map (aka minimap) for wx.stc.StyledTextCtrl editor control
ui-style-lang -- CSS-like style language for drawing and styling elements in wxPython
Libs modules found to be useful:
elementTree -- A toolkit for working with XML
lxml -- Another toolkit for working with XML