From the site:
We needed to build applications fast that also looked gorgeous. So we created:
A skinning framework with source stored in XML that a graphic artist can skin like a web app.
- We originally shipped these things around over jabber, and so have a decent jabber client in python that predates all others out there, but we aren't doing much jabber these days.
Python code in CDATA for when you don't want to mar your beautiful class with GUI customization details
A W3C compliant CSS Engine to go with framework, or the graphics guys won't play
Ability to create skins without the graphics guy because not every app gets to be beautified
- It's got to be easy to hook your GUIs to your model, so we make that trivial
- XML handling module - XML sucks to deal with -- It's just not Pythonic enough. So, to fix that, we turn the XML into objects. I'll never go back to the old way if I have to. (It uses expat on the backend, because elementree didn't exist. But we intend to change it over.
Here are some links to a small example. This Screenshot was produced using this skin and this css.