
The wxPyGridTableBase class is the interface between the wxGrid and your application-specific data sources. Override methods in this class to determine how the grid will access your data. The table also provides information regarding the data type, empty and editable status of any given cell.

The major benefit of the indirection provided by the table class is the ability to edit huge data sets with the grid. When a grid instance is using a table object, the grid does not need to keep an internal record of each cell's value. Instead, the grid calls out the table for data values whenever a particular cell needs to be displayed and/or edited. This particular mode of interaction should be kept in mind when designing your table class. Caching values from remote and/or slow data sources may be a requirement to maintain interactivity within the grid's display routines.

You associate your wxPyGridTableBase object with your wxGrid object by calling wxGrid::SetTable(myTable) during initialization of the grid. Important note: you cannot call SetTable more than once for a given grid. If you need to change tables, you'll need to create a new wxGrid object. Also, depending on your version of wxPython, you may not be able to use the built-in GetView() method, as it will not return your Python wxGrid instance. You should consider storing a Python weak reference to the grid object in your table object (you will constantly need to access the grid object from your table class, incidentally).

I'm repeatedly setting SetTable(severalDifferentTables) on a wx.grid.Grid, followed by a ForceRefresh(), and it works great for me. Is this a limitation that has been removed?

Table Size/Shape

Two of the primary customization points. These methods are called during grid initialization to return the number of columns and rows to display within the grid. Although the grid will not automatically resize to reflect changes in the results returned by these methods, you will likely want to always return accurate values to allow for automatic resizing functions such as shown in the wxGrid "Changing Size/Shape of Grid/Table" section.

Table Size/Shape Reconfiguration

These methods are called by the wxGrid class when the corresponding methods are called on the grid. If you do not implement the methods the calls will be ignored, and changes to the grid will not affect your table.

I would suggest not implementing these methods, and instead call the appropriate methods on the grid to reflect changes in your table (this is based on the idea that for the most part there is little code which knows how to interact with the grid class's methods, whereas your table's storage will likely be resized by functions in your program which did not relate to the GUI at all (particularly in database-based applications)).

Cell Data Values and Data Types

Four more primary customization points. These methods are called to return information about the contents of particular cells within the grid. Your table class should override each of these methods.

Some code

If you came here looking for something to copy/paste, the following code should get you started.

Toggle line numbers
   1 class MyGridTable(wx.grid.PyGridTableBase):
   2     def GetNumberRows(self):
   3         """Return the number of rows in the grid"""
   4         return 20
   6     def GetNumberCols(self):
   7         """Return the number of columns in the grid"""
   8         return 3
  10     def IsEmptyCell(self, row, col):
  11         """Return True if the cell is empty"""
  12         return False
  14     def GetTypeName(self, row, col):
  15         """Return the name of the data type of the value in the cell"""
  16         return None
  18     def GetValue(self, row, col):
  19         """Return the value of a cell"""
  20         return "a cell"
  22     def SetValue(self, row, col, value):
  23         """Set the value of a cell"""
  24         pass

wxWindows Data-type-specific Methods

These methods are called when the non-string wxPython data type renderers/editors are used. I have never used them myself, but if there is a chance you will use these renderers/editors you should define the appropriate methods. Keep in mind that the method implementations will likely be identical to your GetValue and SetValue methods for most of the data types.

Column/Row Labels

Two more primary customization points. Overriding these methods allows you to return string labels for individual columns/rows. The default implementations return spreadsheet-like label values.

Note: As far as I am aware, there is no way to provide "owner-drawn" labels, so there is no mechanism available for including other elements, such as icons, in the label headers.

Grid-pointer Storage/Retrieval

You can customize these methods to allow for special processing during getting/setting the grid associated with this table. Note that, depending on your version of wxPython, the objects returned/set by these methods will not likely be your true Python object, so you will want to use an alternate method for storing a (weak) reference to your Python wxGrid instance.

Grid-cell Attribute Management (+Read-Only Cells)

wxGrid provides a mechanism for customising the display of particular cells using wxGridCellAttr objects. The default mode of operation for these objects creates a wxGridCellAttrProvider which stores the associated attributes for given cells, columns and rows. However, this method requires that you explicitly set the attributes for all cells in the table (basically requiring you to iterate over your (potentially huge) table finding any cells which would require a non-default attribute).

The wxPyGridTableBase allows you to intercept the request for an attribute object by overriding the GetAttr method. When you override this method, you can examine the cell value in your application's storage and decide whether to return the default attribute object (return None) or a specially configured object (a wxGridCellAttr object with various flags set).

When using wxGridCellAttr* GetAttr(int row, int col) to set Editors, refer http://programming.itags.org/python/51574 for thread about storing and referencing GridCellAttrs.

Toggle line numbers
   1         ### example of attributes computed on-demand by a table
   2         def GetAttr(self, row, col, someExtraParameter ):
   3                 """Part of a workaround to avoid use of attributes, queried by _PropertyGrid's IsCurrentCellReadOnly"""
   4                 property = self.GetPropertyForCoordinate( row, col )
   5                 object = self.GetObjectForCoordinate( row, col )
   6                 if property.ReadOnly( object ):
   7                         attr = wxGridCellAttr()
   8                         attr.SetReadOnly( 1 )
   9                         return attr
  10                 return None

These methods all assume that you will be using an attribute storage mechanism (a wxGridCellAttrProvider). I've never done this, and don't really see it as a particularly useful approach when using a wxPyGridTableBase-based grid. XXX Anyone want to document the methods?

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wxPyGridTableBase (last edited 2010-09-27 03:45:34 by 60-241-101-132)

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