Release Notification

When a new release of PythonCard is made we notify various mailing lists, web sites and package collections. These are the ones we use and who is responsible for updating them. If you know of any other places that should be notified please add them (and feel free to add yourself as a notifier whilst you are at it).

PyPi. The Python Package Index. When the developers move to Python 2.3 we can update the file with the appropriate information to make this notification. [AJT or KEA].

The Vaults of Parnassus. The traditional Python package index. [AJT]

Freshmeat. The web's largest index of Unix and cross platform software. [AJT]

comp.lang.python. The home of Python discussion. [KEA]

comp.lang.python.announce. The home of Python announcements. [KEA]

PythonCard Users mailing list. [KEA]

Kevin Altis' Weblog. [KEA]

Andy Todd's Weblog. [AJT]


[AJT] - Andy Todd

[KEA] - Kevin Altis

PythonCardReleaseNotification (last edited 2008-03-11 10:50:38 by localhost)

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