HitTest and HitTestXY for wxListBox

This experimental code shows how to implement a working HitTestXY method for wxListBox

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   1 class MyListBox(wx.ListBox):
   2     def HitTestXY(self,x,y):
   3         xs,ys = self.GetClientSize()
   4         if (y<0) or (x<0) or (x>=xs) or (y>=ys):
   5             return -1
   6         index = self.GetScrollPos(wx.VERTICAL) + y/self.GetCharHeight()
   7         if index >= self.GetCount():
   8             return -1
   9         return index
  10     def HitTest(self,pos):
  11         return self.HitTestXY(*pos)

wxListBoxHitTest (last edited 2008-03-11 10:50:22 by localhost)

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