You can set the tooltip for a wxGrid window as a whole using the SetToolTip method, but how do you set different tooltips for individual cells of the grid?
Here's how: Have a mouse event check every mouse move to see if you've moved between cells, and change the tooltip when you have.
The Code
Here's a function to do the hard work. Pass the grid along with a callback which takes row and column parameters and returns a tooltip string for that cell. InstallGridHint will do the rest.
Toggle line numbers
1 def InstallGridHint(grid, rowcolhintcallback):
2 prev_rowcol = [None,None]
3 def OnMouseMotion(evt):
4 # evt.GetRow() and evt.GetCol() would be nice to have here,
5 # but as this is a mouse event, not a grid event, they are not
6 # available and we need to compute them by hand.
7 x, y = grid.CalcUnscrolledPosition(evt.GetPosition())
8 row = grid.YToRow(y)
9 col = grid.XToCol(x)
11 if (row,col) != prev_rowcol and row >= 0 and col >= 0:
12 prev_rowcol[:] = [row,col]
13 hinttext = rowcolhintcallback(row, col)
14 if hinttext is None:
15 hinttext = ''
16 grid.GetGridWindow().SetToolTipString(hinttext)
17 evt.Skip()
19 wx.EVT_MOTION(grid.GetGridWindow(), OnMouseMotion)