
How to generate a "exe" file with py2exe supporting gettext.

What Objects are Involved

py2exe can be obtained from this site.

Just see how little is needed

The following are sample setup files for py2exe, they are located in your application directory. Should you use Boa Constructor you will then get additional options in the File menu when editing the file, e.g. if you select File/ py2exe your "exe" will be generated in a "dist" directory.

setup.cfg code sample

Create a file "setup.cfg" in your program directory along the lines of the following example.

Toggle line numbers
   1 #distutils config file for a little application
   3 [py2exe]
   4 packages = encodings, kinterbasdb
   5 force_imports = encodings
   7 # we don't use docstrings at runtime, so we may as well prune them...
   8 optimize=2
  10 # version information
  11 version_companyname = which ever
  12 version_filedescription = the little application name
  13 version_fileversion = 0.1.0
  14 version_legalcopyright = Hmm...
  15 version_legaltrademarks = blah blah
  16 version_productname = the little applications product name
  17 version_productversion = 0.1.0 code sample

Create a file "" in your program directory along the lines of the following example.

Toggle line numbers
   1 # -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*-#
   2 from distutils.core import setup
   3 import py2exe
   5 setup(name="the application name",
   6       scripts=[""],
   7       data_files=[("locale\\fr\\LC_MESSAGES",
   8                     ["c:\\dev\\ivcm\\program\\locale\\fr\\LC_MESSAGES\\"]),
   9                     ("locale\\en\\LC_MESSAGES",
  10                     ["c:\\dev\\ivcm\\program\\locale\\en\\LC_MESSAGES\\"])],
  11 )


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py2exeAndGettext (last edited 2008-03-11 10:50:34 by localhost)

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