
Undo and Redo commands are very common in most applications. This article demonstrates how to implement undo and redo in wxPython.

What Objects are Involved

Process Overview

I have been working on an application that needed undo and redo commands. I had only a slight idea of how to do it. So I looked at the source code of KSpread. After I understood the implementation, I quickly programmed a solution in python.

First of all, we need to figure out which actions we would like to implement. In our example, we want to undo and redo cell text changes and column and row size changes. So we must bind relevant events to our methods. These bindings are not visible in our sample code. You can find them in file, in CSheet class:

 self.Bind(wx.grid.EVT_GRID_ROW_SIZE, self.OnRowSize)
 self.Bind(wx.grid.EVT_GRID_COL_SIZE, self.OnColSize)
 self.Bind(wx.grid.EVT_GRID_CELL_CHANGE, self.OnCellChange)

In these three methods we create Undo objects. These objects are UndoText, UndoColSize and UndoRowSize. Each object has two methods. undo() and redo(). They are responsible for bringing to the state of the application before the change was done and vice versa. The objects are then appended to stockUndo list. This way we ensure, that all necessary changes are stored.

Finally, when we press undo, redo buttons, we call OnUndo() and OnRedo() methods. The following method calls actually do the job:


The objects move between stockUndo and stockRedo lists accordingly. Also when there are no objects left, we disable a button with the EnableTool() method.

Please keep in mind, that this script is only demonstrational. It should only give you the way. Hope that it was helpful.

Code Sample

import wx
import wx.lib.sheet

stockUndo = []
stockRedo = []

class UndoText:
        def __init__( self, sheet, text1, text2, row, column ):
                self.RedoText = text2
                self.row = row
                self.col = column
                self.UndoText = text1
                self.sheet = sheet

        def undo( self ):
                self.RedoText = self.sheet.GetCellValue( self.row, self.col )
                if self.UndoText == None:
                        self.sheetSetCellValue( '' )
                else: self.sheet.SetCellValue( self.row, self.col, self.UndoText )

        def redo( self ):
                if self.RedoText == None:
                        self.sheet.SetCellValue( '' )
                else: self.sheet.SetCellValue( self.row, self.col, self.RedoText )

class UndoColSize:
        def __init__( self, sheet, position, size ):
                self.sheet = sheet
                self.pos = position
                self.RedoSize = size
                self.UndoSize = 80

        def undo( self ):
                self.RedoSize = self.sheet.GetColSize( self.pos )
                self.sheet.SetColSize( self.pos, self.UndoSize )

        def redo( self ):
                self.UndoSize = 80
                self.sheet.SetColSize( self.pos, self.RedoSize )

class UndoRowSize:
        def __init__( self, sheet, position, size ):
                self.sheet = sheet
                self.pos = position
                self.RedoSize = size
                self.UndoSize = 20

        def undo( self ):
                self.RedoSize = self.sheet.GetRowSize( self.pos )
                self.sheet.SetRowSize( self.pos, self.UndoSize )

        def redo( self ):
                self.UndoSize = 20
                self.sheet.SetRowSize( self.pos, self.RedoSize )

class MySheet( wx.lib.sheet.CSheet ):

    def __init__( self, parent ):
        wx.lib.sheet.CSheet.__init__( self, parent )
        self.SetLabelBackgroundColour( '#DBD4D4' )
        self.SetRowLabelAlignment( wx.ALIGN_CENTRE, wx.ALIGN_CENTRE )
        self.text = ''

    def OnCellChange( self, event ):
        toolbar = self.GetParent().toolbar1
        if ( toolbar.GetToolEnabled( 808 ) == False ):
                toolbar.EnableTool( 808, True )
        r = event.GetRow()
        c = event.GetCol()
        text = self.GetCellValue( r, c )
        # self.text - text before change
        # text - text after change
        undo = UndoText( self, self.text, text, r, c )
        stockUndo.append( undo )
        if stockRedo:
                del stockRedo[:] # this might be surprising, but it is a standard behaviour in all spreadsheets
                toolbar.EnableTool( 809, False )

    def OnColSize( self, event ):
        toolbar = self.GetParent().toolbar1
        if ( toolbar.GetToolEnabled( 808 ) == False ):
                toolbar.EnableTool( 808, True )
        pos = event.GetRowOrCol()
        size = self.GetColSize( pos )
        undo = UndoColSize( self, pos, size )
        stockUndo.append( undo )
        if stockRedo:
                del stockRedo[:]
                toolbar.EnableTool( 809, False )

    def OnRowSize( self, event ):
        toolbar = self.GetParent().toolbar1
        if ( toolbar.GetToolEnabled( 808 ) == False ):
                toolbar.EnableTool( 808, True )
        pos = event.GetRowOrCol()
        size = self.GetRowSize( pos )
        undo = UndoRowSize( self, pos, size )
        stockUndo.append( undo )
        if stockRedo:
                del stockRedo[:]
                toolbar.EnableTool( 809, False )

class Newt( wx.Frame ):
    def __init__( self, parent, id, title ):
        wx.Frame.__init__( self, parent, -4, title, size = ( 550, 500 ), style = wx.DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE | wx.NO_FULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE )

        box = wx.BoxSizer( wx.VERTICAL )

        menuBar = wx.MenuBar()

        menu1 = wx.Menu()
        quit = wx.MenuItem( menu1, 105, "&Quit\tCtrl+Q", "Quits Newt" )
        quit.SetBitmap( wx.ArtProvider_GetBitmap( wx.ART_QUIT, wx.ART_OTHER, wx.Size( 16, 16 ) ) )
        menu1.AppendItem( quit )
        menuBar.Append( menu1, "&File" )

        wx.EVT_MENU( self, 105, self.OnQuitNewt )

        self.SetMenuBar( menuBar )

        # Setting up Toolbar

        self.toolbar1 = wx.ToolBar( self, -1, style = wx.TB_HORIZONTAL | wx.NO_BORDER | wx.TB_FLAT | wx.TB_TEXT )

        self.toolbar1.AddSimpleTool( 808, wx.ArtProvider_GetBitmap( wx.ART_UNDO, wx.ART_OTHER, wx.Size( 16, 16 ) ), 'Undo', '' )
        self.toolbar1.AddSimpleTool( 809, wx.ArtProvider_GetBitmap( wx.ART_REDO, wx.ART_OTHER, wx.Size( 16, 16 ) ), 'Redo', '' )
        self.toolbar1.EnableTool( 808, False )
        self.toolbar1.EnableTool( 809, False )
        self.toolbar1.AddSimpleTool( 813, wx.ArtProvider_GetBitmap( wx.ART_QUIT, wx.ART_OTHER, wx.Size( 16, 16 ) ), 'Quit', '' )

        wx.EVT_TOOL( self.toolbar1, 808, self.OnUndo )
        wx.EVT_TOOL( self.toolbar1, 809, self.OnRedo )
        wx.EVT_TOOL( self.toolbar1, 813, self.OnQuitNewt )

        box.Add( self.toolbar1, border = 5 )
        box.Add( ( 5, 10 ), 0 )

        self.SetSizer( box )

        self.sheet1 = MySheet( self )
        self.sheet1.SetNumberRows( 55 )
        self.sheet1.SetNumberCols( 25 )
        for i in range( self.sheet1.GetNumberRows() ):
                self.sheet1.SetRowSize( i, 20 )


        box.Add( self.sheet1, 1, wx.EXPAND )
        self.Show( True )

    def OnUndo( self, event ):
        if len( stockUndo ) == 0:

        a = stockUndo.pop()
        if len( stockUndo ) == 0:
                self.toolbar1.EnableTool( 808, False )
        stockRedo.append( a )
        self.toolbar1.EnableTool( 809, True )

    def OnRedo( self, event ):
        if len( stockRedo ) == 0:
        a = stockRedo.pop()
        if len( stockRedo ) == 0:
                self.toolbar1.EnableTool( 809, False )
        stockUndo.append( a )
        self.toolbar1.EnableTool( 808, True )

    def OnQuitNewt( self, event ):
        self.Close( True )

app = wx.App( redirect = None )
newt = Newt( None, -1, "Newt" )


UndoRedoFramework (last edited 2010-01-05 15:43:45 by fw)

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