This page lists test results from the Unit Test Suite across multiple platforms and software configurations.
For more information, see the GUI Unit Testing Project
- Tue Oct 07 13:49:07 2008 - Windows XP (build 2600, Service Pack 2)
- Fri Aug 10 10:25:28 2007 - Windows XP (build 2600, Service Pack 2)
- Tue Aug 07 16:42:58 2007 - Windows XP (build 2600, Service Pack 2)
- Tue Aug 07 16:46:20 2007 - Windows XP (build 2600, Service Pack 2)
- Sun Aug 05 17:28:26 2007 - Windows XP (build 2600, Service Pack 2)
- Sat Aug 11 11:52:34 2007 - Linux 2.6.20-16-generic i686
- Tue Aug 7 17:10:24 2007 - Linux 2.6.20-16-generic i686
- Sun Aug 5 18:08:45 2007 - Linux 2.6.20-16-generic i686
- Wed Aug 8 16:42:43 2007 - MacOS (Darwin 8.9.1 i386)
Tue Oct 07 13:49:07 2008 - Windows XP (build 2600, Service Pack 2)
Platform Information
Platform [sys.platform]: win32
Python Version [sys.version]: 2.5.2 (r252:60911, Feb 21 2008, 13:11:45) [MSC v.1310 32 bit (Intel)]
wx Version [wx.version()]: (msw-unicode)
OS [wx.GetOsDescription()]: Windows XP (build 2600, Service Pack 2)
wx Info [wx.PlatformInfo]: ('WXMSW', 'wxMSW', 'unicode', 'wx-assertions-on', 'SWIG-1.3.29') options: --wiki --verbosity=5
- Run completed in 10.67 seconds
- 41 classes tested
- 1096 tests passed in total!
- 6 tests failed in total!
- 1 tests erred in total!
Module Data
- testBitmap: 10 passed
- testBitmapButton: 44 passed
- testButton: 45 passed
- testCheckBox: 48 passed
- testCheckListBox: 57 passed, 1 failed
- testChoice: 51 passed, 2 failed
- testColour: 7 passed, 1 erred
- testComboBox: 55 passed, 1 failed
- testControl: 42 passed
- testControlWithItems: 1 passed
- testDialog: 44 passed, 1 failed
- testFont: 4 passed
- testFrame: 51 passed, 1 failed
- testGauge: 47 passed
- testGraphicsBrush: 3 passed
- testGraphicsContext: 4 passed
- testGraphicsFont: 3 passed
- testGraphicsMatrix: 3 passed
- testGraphicsObject: 4 passed
- testGraphicsPath: 3 passed
- testGraphicsPen: 3 passed
- testGraphicsRenderer: 9 passed
- testImage: 13 passed
- testItemContainer: 1 passed
- testListBox: 58 passed
- testPanel: 39 passed
- testPoint: 6 passed
- testRadioBox: 55 passed
- testRadioButton: 45 passed
- testRect: 1 passed
- testScrolledWindow: 43 passed
- testSize: 8 passed
- testSizer: 1 passed
- testSlider: 48 passed
- testSpinCtrl: 46 passed
- testStaticText: 42 passed
- testTextAttr: 7 passed
- testTextCtrl: 56 passed
- testToggleButton: 44 passed
- testTopLevelWindow: 1 passed
- testWindow: 44 passed
Failure Data
Fail: testClientData (testCheckListBox.CheckListBoxTest) {{{Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "D:\svn\wxPythonTests\", line 69, in testClientData
File "C:\Python25\Lib\site-packages\wx-2.8-msw-unicode\wx\", line 11813, in SetClientData
return _core_.ItemContainer_SetClientData(*args, **kwargs)
- File "D:\svn\wxPythonTests\", line 69, in testClientData
PyAssertionError: C++ assertion "wxAssertFailure" failed at ..\..\src\msw\listbox.cpp(438) in wxListBox::DoSetItemClient Data(): Can't use client data with owner-drawn listboxes }}}
Fail: testLabel (testChoice.ChoiceTest) {{{Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "D:\svn\wxPythonTests\", line 311, in testLabel
self.assertEquals(one, self.testControl.GetLabel())
- File "D:\svn\wxPythonTests\", line 311, in testLabel
AssertionError: 'here is &one label' != u }}}
Fail: testLabelText (testChoice.ChoiceTest) {{{Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "D:\svn\wxPythonTests\", line 52, in testLabelText
self.assertEquals(self.label_without_mnemonic, self.testControl.GetLabelText())
- File "D:\svn\wxPythonTests\", line 52, in testLabelText
AssertionError: 'Hello World' != u }}}
Error: testConstructor (testColour.ColourTest) {{{Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "D:\svn\wxPythonTests\", line 72, in testConstructor
self.assertRaises(OverflowError, wx.Colour, -1)
- callableObj(*args, **kwargs)
File "C:\Python25\Lib\site-packages\wx-2.8-msw-unicode\wx\", line 114, in init
- _gdi_.Colour_swiginit(self,_gdi_.new_Colour(*args, **kwargs))
- File "D:\svn\wxPythonTests\", line 72, in testConstructor
ValueError: in method 'new_Colour', expected argument 1 of type 'byte' }}}
Fail: testSetEditable (testComboBox.ComboBoxTest) {{{Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "D:\svn\wxPythonTests\", line 30, in testSetEditable
self.assert_(not self.testControl.IsEditable())
- File "D:\svn\wxPythonTests\", line 30, in testSetEditable
AssertionError }}}
Fail: testShownOnScreen (testDialog.DialogTest) {{{Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "D:\svn\wxPythonTests\", line 437, in testShownOnScreen
self.assert_(not self.testControl.IsShownOnScreen())
- File "D:\svn\wxPythonTests\", line 437, in testShownOnScreen
AssertionError }}}
Fail: testShownOnScreen (testFrame.FrameTest) {{{Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "D:\svn\wxPythonTests\", line 437, in testShownOnScreen
self.assert_(not self.testControl.IsShownOnScreen())
- File "D:\svn\wxPythonTests\", line 437, in testShownOnScreen
Fri Aug 10 10:25:28 2007 - Windows XP (build 2600, Service Pack 2)
Platform Information
Platform [sys.platform]: win32
Python Version [sys.version]: 2.5 (r25:51908, Sep 19 2006, 09:52:17) [MSC v.1310 32 bit (Intel)]
wx Version [wx.version()]: (msw-ansi)
OS [wx.GetOsDescription()]: Windows XP (build 2600, Service Pack 2)
wx Info [wx.PlatformInfo]: ('WXMSW', 'wxMSW', 'ansi', 'wx-assertions-on', 'SWIG-1.3.29') options: --verbosity= 5 --wiki --exclude-modules= FontDialog --output-filename= out.txt
- Run completed in 4.51 seconds
- 41 classes tested
- 1181 tests passed in total!
- 6 tests failed in total!
Module Data
- testBitmap: 11 passed
- testBitmapButton: 49 passed
- testButton: 49 passed
- testCheckBox: 52 passed
- testCheckListBox: 61 passed, 1 failed
- testChoice: 55 passed, 2 failed
- testColour: 7 passed
- testComboBox: 59 passed, 1 failed
- testControl: 46 passed
- testControlWithItems: 1 passed
- testDialog: 45 passed, 1 failed
- testFont: 3 passed
- testFrame: 53 passed
- testGauge: 51 passed
- testGraphicsBrush: 4 passed
- testGraphicsContext: 6 passed
- testGraphicsFont: 4 passed
- testGraphicsMatrix: 5 passed
- testGraphicsObject: 4 passed
- testGraphicsPath: 5 passed
- testGraphicsPen: 5 passed
- testGraphicsRenderer: 9 passed
- testImage: 12 passed
- testItemContainer: 1 passed
- testListBox: 62 passed
- testPanel: 43 passed
- testPoint: 6 passed
- testRadioBox: 59 passed
- testRadioButton: 49 passed
- testRect: 1 passed
- testScrolledWindow: 47 passed
- testSize: 8 passed
- testSizer: 1 passed
- testSlider: 52 passed
- testSpinCtrl: 50 passed
- testStaticText: 46 passed
- testTextAttr: 5 passed
- testTextCtrl: 58 passed, 1 failed
- testToggleButton: 48 passed
- testTopLevelWindow: 1 passed
- testWindow: 48 passed
Failure Data
Fail: testClientData (testCheckListBox.CheckListBoxTest) {{{Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "C:\sandboxes\unittest\", line 78, in testClientData
File "C:\Python25\Lib\site-packages\wx-2.8-msw-ansi\wx\", line 11479, in SetClientData
return _core_.ItemContainer_SetClientData(*args, **kwargs)
- File "C:\sandboxes\unittest\", line 78, in testClientData
PyAssertionError: C++ assertion "wxAssertFailure" failed at ..\..\src\msw\listbox.cpp(438) in wxListBox::DoSetItemClientData(): Can't use client data with owner-drawn listboxes }}}
Fail: testLabel (testChoice.ChoiceTest) {{{Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "", line 321, in testLabel
self.assertEquals(one, self.testControl.GetLabel())
- File "", line 321, in testLabel
AssertionError: 'here is &one label' != }}}
Fail: testLabelText (testChoice.ChoiceTest) {{{Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "", line 48, in testLabelText
self.assertEquals(labeltext, self.testControl.GetLabelText())
- File "", line 48, in testLabelText
AssertionError: 'Hello World' != }}}
Fail: testSetEditable (testComboBox.ComboBoxTest) {{{Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "C:\sandboxes\unittest\", line 35, in testSetEditable
self.assert_(not self.testControl.IsEditable())
- File "C:\sandboxes\unittest\", line 35, in testSetEditable
AssertionError }}}
Fail: testFullScreen (testDialog.DialogTest) {{{Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "C:\sandboxes\unittest\", line 33, in testFullScreen
self.assert_(not self.testControl.ShowFullScreen(True))
- File "C:\sandboxes\unittest\", line 33, in testFullScreen
AssertionError }}}
Fail: testMultiLine (testTextCtrl.TextCtrlTest) {{{Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "C:\sandboxes\unittest\", line 73, in testMultiLine
self.assert_(not self.testControl.IsSingleLine())
- File "C:\sandboxes\unittest\", line 73, in testMultiLine
AssertionError }}}
Tue Aug 07 16:42:58 2007 - Windows XP (build 2600, Service Pack 2)
Platform Information
Platform [sys.platform]: win32
Python Version [sys.version]: 2.5 (r25:51908, Sep 19 2006, 09:52:17) [MSC v.1310 32 bit (Intel)]
wx Version [wx.version()]: (msw-ansi)
OS [wx.GetOsDescription()]: Windows XP (build 2600, Service Pack 2)
wx Info [wx.PlatformInfo]: ('WXMSW', 'wxMSW', 'ansi', 'wx-assertions-on', 'SWIG-1.3.29') options: --verbosity 5 --output-filename out.txt --wiki
- Run completed in 5.69 seconds
- 42 classes tested
- 1219 tests passed in total!
- 15 tests failed in total!
Tue Aug 07 16:46:20 2007 - Windows XP (build 2600, Service Pack 2)
Platform Information
Platform [sys.platform]: win32
Python Version [sys.version]: 2.5 (r25:51908, Sep 19 2006, 09:52:17) [MSC v.1310 32 bit (Intel)]
wx Version [wx.version()]: (msw-ansi)
OS [wx.GetOsDescription()]: Windows XP (build 2600, Service Pack 2)
wx Info [wx.PlatformInfo]: ('WXMSW', 'wxMSW', 'ansi', 'wx-assertions-on', 'SWIG-1.3.29') options: --verbosity 3 --exclude-modules FontDialog --wiki --output-filename out.txt
- Run completed in 4.77 seconds
- 41 classes tested
- 1181 tests passed in total!
- 6 tests failed in total!
Sun Aug 05 17:28:26 2007 - Windows XP (build 2600, Service Pack 2)
Platform Information
Platform [sys.platform]: win32
Python Version [sys.version]: 2.5 (r25:51908, Sep 19 2006, 09:52:17) [MSC v.1310 32 bit (Intel)]
wx Version [wx.version()]: (msw-ansi)
OS [wx.GetOsDescription()]: Windows XP (build 2600, Service Pack 2)
wx Info [wx.PlatformInfo]: ('WXMSW', 'wxMSW', 'ansi', 'wx-assertions-on', 'SWIG-1.3.29') options: --verbosity 5 --wiki --output-filename output.txt
- Run completed in 4.47 seconds
- 42 classes tested
- 1223 tests passed in total!
- 16 tests failed in total!
Sat Aug 11 11:52:34 2007 - Linux 2.6.20-16-generic i686
Platform Information
Platform [sys.platform]: linux2
Python Version [sys.version]: 2.5.1 (r251:54863, May 2 2007, 16:56:35)
[GCC 4.1.2 (Ubuntu 4.1.2-0ubuntu4)]
wx Version [wx.version()]: (gtk2-unicode)
OS [wx.GetOsDescription()]: Linux 2.6.20-16-generic i686
wx Info [wx.PlatformInfo]: ('WXGTK', 'wxGTK', 'unicode', 'gtk2', 'wx-assertions-off', 'SWIG-1.3.29') options: --verbosity=5 --wiki --output-filename=output.txt
- Run completed in 19.25 seconds
- 42 classes tested
- 1208 tests passed in total!
- 26 tests failed in total!
Module Data
BitmapButtonTest: 48 passed, 1 failed
BitmapTest: 11 passed
ButtonTest: 49 passed
CheckBoxTest: 52 passed
CheckListBoxTest: 62 passed
ChoiceTest: 57 passed
ColourTest: 6 passed, 1 failed
ComboBoxTest: 59 passed, 1 failed
ControlTest: 46 passed
ControlWithItemsTest: 1 passed
DialogTest: 44 passed, 2 failed
FontDialogTest: 45 passed, 2 failed
FontTest: 3 passed
FrameTest: 51 passed, 2 failed
GaugeTest: 51 passed
GraphicsBrushTest: 4 passed
GraphicsContextTest: 6 passed
GraphicsFontTest: 4 passed
GraphicsMatrixTest: 5 passed
GraphicsObjectTest: 4 passed
GraphicsPathTest: 5 passed
GraphicsPenTest: 5 passed
GraphicsRendererTest: 9 passed
ImageTest: 12 passed
ItemContainerTest: 1 passed
ListBoxTest: 62 passed
PanelTest: 42 passed, 1 failed
PointTest: 6 passed
RadioBoxTest: 57 passed, 2 failed
RadioButtonTest: 48 passed, 1 failed
RectTest: 1 passed
ScrolledWindowTest: 46 passed, 1 failed
SizeTest: 8 passed
SizerTest: 1 passed
SliderTest: 50 passed, 2 failed
SpinCtrlTest: 50 passed
StaticTextTest: 44 passed, 2 failed
TextAttrTest: 3 passed, 2 failed
TextCtrlTest: 58 passed, 1 failed
ToggleButtonTest: 48 passed
TopLevelWindowTest: 1 passed
WindowTest: 43 passed, 5 failed
Failure Data
Fail: testSetDefault (testBitmapButton.BitmapButtonTest) {{{Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "/home/frank/sandboxes/unittest/", line 105, in testSetDefault
self.assertEquals(self.testControl, self.frame.DefaultItem)
- File "/home/frank/sandboxes/unittest/", line 105, in testSetDefault
AssertionError: <wx._controls.BitmapButton; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxBitmapButton *' at 0x8a57820> > != None }}}
Fail: testSetFromName (testColour.ColourTest) {{{Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "/home/frank/sandboxes/unittest/", line 76, in testSetFromName
- self.assertEquals(colour, newcol)
- File "/home/frank/sandboxes/unittest/", line 76, in testSetFromName
AssertionError: wx.Colour(0, 127, 255, 255) != wx.Colour(106, 90, 205, 255) }}}
Fail: testSetEditable (testComboBox.ComboBoxTest) {{{Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "/home/frank/sandboxes/unittest/", line 35, in testSetEditable
self.assert_(not self.testControl.IsEditable())
- File "/home/frank/sandboxes/unittest/", line 35, in testSetEditable
AssertionError }}}
Fail: testLabel (testDialog.DialogTest) {{{Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "/home/frank/sandboxes/unittest/", line 321, in testLabel
self.assertEquals(one, self.testControl.GetLabel())
- File "/home/frank/sandboxes/unittest/", line 321, in testLabel
AssertionError: 'here is &one label' != u }}}
Fail: testMaximize (testDialog.DialogTest) {{{Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "/home/frank/sandboxes/unittest/", line 42, in testMaximize
- File "/home/frank/sandboxes/unittest/", line 42, in testMaximize
AssertionError }}}
Fail: testLabel (testFontDialog.FontDialogTest) {{{Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "/home/frank/sandboxes/unittest/", line 321, in testLabel
self.assertEquals(one, self.testControl.GetLabel())
- File "/home/frank/sandboxes/unittest/", line 321, in testLabel
AssertionError: 'here is &one label' != u }}}
Fail: testMaximize (testFontDialog.FontDialogTest) {{{Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "/home/frank/sandboxes/unittest/", line 42, in testMaximize
- File "/home/frank/sandboxes/unittest/", line 42, in testMaximize
AssertionError }}}
Fail: testLabel (testFrame.FrameTest) {{{Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "/home/frank/sandboxes/unittest/", line 321, in testLabel
self.assertEquals(one, self.testControl.GetLabel())
- File "/home/frank/sandboxes/unittest/", line 321, in testLabel
AssertionError: 'here is &one label' != u }}}
Fail: testMaximize (testFrame.FrameTest) {{{Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "/home/frank/sandboxes/unittest/", line 42, in testMaximize
- File "/home/frank/sandboxes/unittest/", line 42, in testMaximize
AssertionError }}}
Fail: testLabel (testPanel.PanelTest) {{{Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "/home/frank/sandboxes/unittest/", line 321, in testLabel
self.assertEquals(one, self.testControl.GetLabel())
- File "/home/frank/sandboxes/unittest/", line 321, in testLabel
AssertionError: 'here is &one label' != u }}}
Fail: testColumnCount (testRadioBox.RadioBoxTest) {{{Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "/home/frank/sandboxes/unittest/", line 34, in testColumnCount
self.assertEquals(len(self.CHOICES), self.testControl.GetColumnCount())
- File "/home/frank/sandboxes/unittest/", line 34, in testColumnCount
AssertionError: 5 != 0 }}}
Fail: testRowCount (testRadioBox.RadioBoxTest) {{{Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "/home/frank/sandboxes/unittest/", line 101, in testRowCount
self.assertEquals(len(self.CHOICES), self.testControl.GetRowCount())
- File "/home/frank/sandboxes/unittest/", line 101, in testRowCount
AssertionError: 5 != 0 }}}
Fail: testValue (testRadioButton.RadioButtonTest) {{{Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "/home/frank/sandboxes/unittest/", line 67, in testValue
self.assert_(not self.testControl.GetValue())
- File "/home/frank/sandboxes/unittest/", line 67, in testValue
AssertionError }}}
Fail: testLabel (testScrolledWindow.ScrolledWindowTest) {{{Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "/home/frank/sandboxes/unittest/", line 321, in testLabel
self.assertEquals(one, self.testControl.GetLabel())
- File "/home/frank/sandboxes/unittest/", line 321, in testLabel
AssertionError: 'here is &one label' != u }}}
Fail: testMinMax (testSlider.SliderTest) {{{Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "/home/frank/sandboxes/unittest/", line 46, in testMinMax
self.assertEquals(min, self.testControl.GetMin())
- File "/home/frank/sandboxes/unittest/", line 46, in testMinMax
AssertionError: 100 != 1 }}}
Fail: testTickFreq (testSlider.SliderTest) {{{Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "/home/frank/sandboxes/unittest/", line 65, in testTickFreq
self.assertEquals(i, self.testControl.GetTickFreq())
- File "/home/frank/sandboxes/unittest/", line 65, in testTickFreq
AssertionError: -1 != 0 }}}
Fail: testForegroundColour (testStaticText.StaticTextTest) {{{Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "/home/frank/sandboxes/unittest/", line 247, in testForegroundColour
self.assert_(not self.testControl.SetForegroundColour(test))
- File "/home/frank/sandboxes/unittest/", line 247, in testForegroundColour
AssertionError }}}
Fail: testLabel (testStaticText.StaticTextTest) {{{Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "/home/frank/sandboxes/unittest/", line 321, in testLabel
self.assertEquals(one, self.testControl.GetLabel())
- File "/home/frank/sandboxes/unittest/", line 321, in testLabel
AssertionError: 'here is &one label' != u'here is one label' }}}
Fail: testBackgroundColour (testTextAttr.TextAttrTest) {{{Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "/home/frank/sandboxes/unittest/", line 30, in testBackgroundColour
self.assertEquals(colour, self.testControl.GetBackgroundColour())
- File "/home/frank/sandboxes/unittest/", line 30, in testBackgroundColour
AssertionError: wx.Colour(0, 127, 255, 255) != wx.Colour(106, 90, 205, 255) }}}
Fail: testTextColour (testTextAttr.TextAttrTest) {{{Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "/home/frank/sandboxes/unittest/", line 65, in testTextColour
self.assertEquals(colour, self.testControl.GetTextColour())
- File "/home/frank/sandboxes/unittest/", line 65, in testTextColour
AssertionError: wx.Colour(0, 127, 255, 255) != wx.Colour(106, 90, 205, 255) }}}
Fail: testMultiLine (testTextCtrl.TextCtrlTest) {{{Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "/home/frank/sandboxes/unittest/", line 73, in testMultiLine
self.assert_(not self.testControl.IsSingleLine())
- File "/home/frank/sandboxes/unittest/", line 73, in testMultiLine
AssertionError }}}
Fail: testBackgroundColourNames_wxWindowOnly (testWindow.WindowTest) {{{Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "/home/frank/sandboxes/unittest/", line 119, in testBackgroundColourNames_wxWindowOnly
self.assertEquals(actual, self.testControl.GetBackgroundColour())
- File "/home/frank/sandboxes/unittest/", line 119, in testBackgroundColourNames_wxWindowOnly
AssertionError: wx.Colour(0, 127, 255, 255) != wx.Colour(106, 90, 205, 255) }}}
Fail: testForegroundColourNames_wxWindowOnly (testWindow.WindowTest) {{{Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "/home/frank/sandboxes/unittest/", line 255, in testForegroundColourNames_wxWindowOnly
self.assertEquals(actual, self.testControl.GetForegroundColour())
- File "/home/frank/sandboxes/unittest/", line 255, in testForegroundColourNames_wxWindowOnly
AssertionError: wx.Colour(0, 127, 255, 255) != wx.Colour(106, 90, 205, 255) }}}
Fail: testLabel (testWindow.WindowTest) {{{Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "/home/frank/sandboxes/unittest/", line 321, in testLabel
self.assertEquals(one, self.testControl.GetLabel())
- File "/home/frank/sandboxes/unittest/", line 321, in testLabel
AssertionError: 'here is &one label' != u }}}
Fail: testOwnBackgroundColorNames_wxWindowOnly (testWindow.WindowTest) {{{Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "/home/frank/sandboxes/unittest/", line 376, in testOwnBackgroundColorNames_wxWindowOnly
self.assertEquals(actual, self.testControl.GetBackgroundColour())
- File "/home/frank/sandboxes/unittest/", line 376, in testOwnBackgroundColorNames_wxWindowOnly
AssertionError: wx.Colour(0, 127, 255, 255) != wx.Colour(106, 90, 205, 255) }}}
Fail: testOwnForegroundColorNames_wxWindowOnly (testWindow.WindowTest) {{{Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "/home/frank/sandboxes/unittest/", line 396, in testOwnForegroundColorNames_wxWindowOnly
self.assertEquals(actual, self.testControl.GetForegroundColour())
- File "/home/frank/sandboxes/unittest/", line 396, in testOwnForegroundColorNames_wxWindowOnly
AssertionError: wx.Colour(0, 127, 255, 255) != wx.Colour(106, 90, 205, 255) }}}
Tue Aug 7 17:10:24 2007 - Linux 2.6.20-16-generic i686
Platform Information
Platform [sys.platform]: linux2
Python Version [sys.version]: 2.5.1 (r251:54863, May 2 2007, 16:56:35)
[GCC 4.1.2 (Ubuntu 4.1.2-0ubuntu4)]
wx Version [wx.version()]: (gtk2-unicode)
OS [wx.GetOsDescription()]: Linux 2.6.20-16-generic i686
wx Info [wx.PlatformInfo]: ('WXGTK', 'wxGTK', 'unicode', 'gtk2', 'wx-assertions-off', 'SWIG-1.3.29') options: --verbosity 5 --output-filename output.txt --wiki
- Run completed in 44.09 seconds
- 42 classes tested
- 1186 tests passed in total!
- 48 tests failed in total!
Module Data
- testBitmap: 11 passed
- testBitmapButton: 47 passed, 2 failed
- testButton: 48 passed, 1 failed
- testCheckBox: 51 passed, 1 failed
- testCheckListBox: 61 passed, 1 failed
- testChoice: 56 passed, 1 failed
- testColour: 6 passed, 1 failed
- testComboBox: 58 passed, 2 failed
- testControl: 45 passed, 1 failed
- testControlWithItems: 1 passed
- testDialog: 43 passed, 3 failed
- testFont: 3 passed
- testFontDialog: 44 passed, 3 failed
- testFrame: 50 passed, 3 failed
- testGauge: 50 passed, 1 failed
- testGraphicsBrush: 4 passed
- testGraphicsContext: 6 passed
- testGraphicsFont: 4 passed
- testGraphicsMatrix: 5 passed
- testGraphicsObject: 4 passed
- testGraphicsPath: 5 passed
- testGraphicsPen: 5 passed
- testGraphicsRenderer: 9 passed
- testImage: 12 passed
- testItemContainer: 1 passed
- testListBox: 61 passed, 1 failed
- testPanel: 41 passed, 2 failed
- testPoint: 6 passed
- testRadioBox: 56 passed, 3 failed
- testRadioButton: 47 passed, 2 failed
- testRect: 1 passed
- testScrolledWindow: 45 passed, 2 failed
- testSize: 8 passed
- testSizer: 1 passed
- testSlider: 49 passed, 3 failed
- testSpinCtrl: 49 passed, 1 failed
- testStaticText: 43 passed, 3 failed
- testTextAttr: 3 passed, 2 failed
- testTextCtrl: 57 passed, 2 failed
- testToggleButton: 47 passed, 1 failed
- testTopLevelWindow: 1 passed
- testWindow: 42 passed, 6 failed
Sun Aug 5 18:08:45 2007 - Linux 2.6.20-16-generic i686
Platform Information
Platform [sys.platform]: linux2
Python Version [sys.version]: 2.5.1 (r251:54863, May 2 2007, 16:56:35)
[GCC 4.1.2 (Ubuntu 4.1.2-0ubuntu4)]
wx Version [wx.version()]: (gtk2-unicode)
OS [wx.GetOsDescription()]: Linux 2.6.20-16-generic i686
wx Info [wx.PlatformInfo]: ('WXGTK', 'wxGTK', 'unicode', 'gtk2', 'wx-assertions-off', 'SWIG-1.3.29') options: --verbosity 5 --wiki --output-filename output.txt
- Run completed in 24.34 seconds
- 42 classes tested
- 1160 tests passed in total!
- 77 tests failed in total!
- 2 tests erred in total!
Wed Aug 8 16:42:43 2007 - MacOS (Darwin 8.9.1 i386)
Platform Information
Platform [sys.platform]: darwin
Python Version [sys.version]: 2.4.4 (#1, Oct 18 2006, 10:34:39)
[GCC 4.0.1 (Apple Computer, Inc. build 5341)]
wx Version [wx.version()]: (mac-unicode)
OS [wx.GetOsDescription()]: MacOS (Darwin 8.9.1 i386)
wx Info [wx.PlatformInfo]: ('WXMAC', 'wxMac', 'unicode', 'wx-assertions-on', 'SWIG-1.3.29', 'mac-cg', 'mac-native-tb') options: --wiki --verbosity 5 --exclude-modulesFontDialog,image
- Run completed in 18.41 seconds
- 40 classes tested
- 1140 tests passed in total!
- 35 tests failed in total!
Module Data
- testBitmap: 10 passed, 1 failed
- testBitmapButton: 48 passed, 1 failed
- testButton: 47 passed, 2 failed
- testCheckBox: 51 passed, 1 failed
- testCheckListBox: 61 passed, 1 failed
- testChoice: 56 passed, 1 failed
- testColour: 7 passed
- testComboBox: 59 passed, 1 failed
- testControl: 45 passed, 1 failed
- testControlWithItems: 1 passed
- testDialog: 44 passed, 2 failed
- testFont: 3 passed
- testFrame: 52 passed, 1 failed
- testGauge: 50 passed, 1 failed
- testGraphicsBrush: 4 passed
- testGraphicsContext: 6 passed
- testGraphicsFont: 4 passed
- testGraphicsMatrix: 5 passed
- testGraphicsObject: 4 passed
- testGraphicsPath: 5 passed
- testGraphicsPen: 5 passed
- testGraphicsRenderer: 9 passed
- testItemContainer: 1 passed
- testListBox: 61 passed, 1 failed
- testPanel: 43 passed
- testPoint: 6 passed
- testRadioBox: 52 passed, 7 failed
- testRadioButton: 48 passed, 1 failed
- testRect: 1 passed
- testScrolledWindow: 47 passed
- testSize: 8 passed
- testSizer: 1 passed
- testSlider: 47 passed, 5 failed
- testSpinCtrl: 48 passed, 2 failed
- testStaticText: 45 passed, 1 failed
- testTextAttr: 5 passed
- testTextCtrl: 55 passed, 4 failed
- testToggleButton: 47 passed, 1 failed
- testTopLevelWindow: 1 passed
- testWindow: 48 passed
Failure Data
Fail: testSubBitmapInvalidDepth (testBitmap.BitmapTest) {{{Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "/Users/kevino/oss/wxWidgets/branches/SOC2007_UNITTEST/tests/unittest/", line 92, in testSubBitmapInvalidDepth
- wx.Rect(1,1,1,1))
- File "/Users/kevino/oss/wxWidgets/branches/SOC2007_UNITTEST/tests/unittest/", line 92, in testSubBitmapInvalidDepth
AssertionError: PyAssertionError not raised }}}
Fail: testLabelText (testBitmapButton.BitmapButtonTest) {{{Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "/Users/kevino/oss/wxWidgets/branches/SOC2007_UNITTEST/tests/unittest/", line 46, in testLabelText
self.assertEquals(label, self.testControl.GetLabel())
- File "/Users/kevino/oss/wxWidgets/branches/SOC2007_UNITTEST/tests/unittest/", line 46, in testLabelText
AssertionError: 'Hello &World' != u'Hello World' }}}
Fail: testLabelText (testButton.ButtonTest) {{{Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "/Users/kevino/oss/wxWidgets/branches/SOC2007_UNITTEST/tests/unittest/", line 46, in testLabelText
self.assertEquals(label, self.testControl.GetLabel())
- File "/Users/kevino/oss/wxWidgets/branches/SOC2007_UNITTEST/tests/unittest/", line 46, in testLabelText
AssertionError: 'Hello &World' != u'Hello World' }}}
Fail: testRect (testButton.ButtonTest) {{{Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "/Users/kevino/oss/wxWidgets/branches/SOC2007_UNITTEST/tests/unittest/", line 421, in testRect
self.assertEquals(rect, self.testControl.GetRect())
- File "/Users/kevino/oss/wxWidgets/branches/SOC2007_UNITTEST/tests/unittest/", line 421, in testRect
AssertionError: wx.Rect(10, 10, 20, 32757) != wx.Rect(10, 10, 20, 20) }}}
Fail: testLabelText (testCheckBox.CheckBoxTest) {{{Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "/Users/kevino/oss/wxWidgets/branches/SOC2007_UNITTEST/tests/unittest/", line 46, in testLabelText
self.assertEquals(label, self.testControl.GetLabel())
- File "/Users/kevino/oss/wxWidgets/branches/SOC2007_UNITTEST/tests/unittest/", line 46, in testLabelText
AssertionError: 'Hello &World' != u'Hello World' }}}
Fail: testLabelText (testCheckListBox.CheckListBoxTest) {{{Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "/Users/kevino/oss/wxWidgets/branches/SOC2007_UNITTEST/tests/unittest/", line 46, in testLabelText
self.assertEquals(label, self.testControl.GetLabel())
- File "/Users/kevino/oss/wxWidgets/branches/SOC2007_UNITTEST/tests/unittest/", line 46, in testLabelText
AssertionError: 'Hello &World' != u'Hello World' }}}
Fail: testLabelText (testChoice.ChoiceTest) {{{Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "/Users/kevino/oss/wxWidgets/branches/SOC2007_UNITTEST/tests/unittest/", line 46, in testLabelText
self.assertEquals(label, self.testControl.GetLabel())
- File "/Users/kevino/oss/wxWidgets/branches/SOC2007_UNITTEST/tests/unittest/", line 46, in testLabelText
AssertionError: 'Hello &World' != u'Hello World' }}}
Fail: testLabelText (testComboBox.ComboBoxTest) {{{Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "/Users/kevino/oss/wxWidgets/branches/SOC2007_UNITTEST/tests/unittest/", line 46, in testLabelText
self.assertEquals(label, self.testControl.GetLabel())
- File "/Users/kevino/oss/wxWidgets/branches/SOC2007_UNITTEST/tests/unittest/", line 46, in testLabelText
AssertionError: 'Hello &World' != u'Hello World' }}}
Fail: testLabelText (testControl.ControlTest) {{{Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "/Users/kevino/oss/wxWidgets/branches/SOC2007_UNITTEST/tests/unittest/", line 46, in testLabelText
self.assertEquals(label, self.testControl.GetLabel())
- File "/Users/kevino/oss/wxWidgets/branches/SOC2007_UNITTEST/tests/unittest/", line 46, in testLabelText
AssertionError: 'Hello &World' != u'Hello World' }}}
Fail: testFullScreen (testDialog.DialogTest) {{{Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "/Users/kevino/oss/wxWidgets/branches/SOC2007_UNITTEST/tests/unittest/", line 32, in testFullScreen
- File "/Users/kevino/oss/wxWidgets/branches/SOC2007_UNITTEST/tests/unittest/", line 32, in testFullScreen
AssertionError }}}
Fail: testRect (testDialog.DialogTest) {{{Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "/Users/kevino/oss/wxWidgets/branches/SOC2007_UNITTEST/tests/unittest/", line 421, in testRect
self.assertEquals(rect, self.testControl.GetRect())
- File "/Users/kevino/oss/wxWidgets/branches/SOC2007_UNITTEST/tests/unittest/", line 421, in testRect
AssertionError: wx.Rect(10, 10, 32757, 32757) != wx.Rect(0, 0, 32757, 32757) }}}
Fail: testFullScreen (testFrame.FrameTest) {{{Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "/Users/kevino/oss/wxWidgets/branches/SOC2007_UNITTEST/tests/unittest/", line 32, in testFullScreen
- File "/Users/kevino/oss/wxWidgets/branches/SOC2007_UNITTEST/tests/unittest/", line 32, in testFullScreen
AssertionError }}}
Fail: testLabelText (testGauge.GaugeTest) {{{Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "/Users/kevino/oss/wxWidgets/branches/SOC2007_UNITTEST/tests/unittest/", line 46, in testLabelText
self.assertEquals(label, self.testControl.GetLabel())
- File "/Users/kevino/oss/wxWidgets/branches/SOC2007_UNITTEST/tests/unittest/", line 46, in testLabelText
AssertionError: 'Hello &World' != u'Hello World' }}}
Fail: testLabelText (testListBox.ListBoxTest) {{{Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "/Users/kevino/oss/wxWidgets/branches/SOC2007_UNITTEST/tests/unittest/", line 46, in testLabelText
self.assertEquals(label, self.testControl.GetLabel())
- File "/Users/kevino/oss/wxWidgets/branches/SOC2007_UNITTEST/tests/unittest/", line 46, in testLabelText
AssertionError: 'Hello &World' != u'Hello World' }}}
Fail: testClientSize (testRadioBox.RadioBoxTest) {{{Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "/Users/kevino/oss/wxWidgets/branches/SOC2007_UNITTEST/tests/unittest/", line 171, in testClientSize
self.assertEquals(wx.Size(x,y), self.testControl.GetClientSize())
- File "/Users/kevino/oss/wxWidgets/branches/SOC2007_UNITTEST/tests/unittest/", line 171, in testClientSize
AssertionError: wx.Size(1, 1) != wx.Size(15, 3) }}}
Fail: testClientSizeWH (testRadioBox.RadioBoxTest) {{{Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "/Users/kevino/oss/wxWidgets/branches/SOC2007_UNITTEST/tests/unittest/", line 177, in testClientSizeWH
self.assertEquals((w,h), self.testControl.GetClientSizeTuple())
- File "/Users/kevino/oss/wxWidgets/branches/SOC2007_UNITTEST/tests/unittest/", line 177, in testClientSizeWH
AssertionError: (1, 1) != (15, 3) }}}
Fail: testEnableItem (testRadioBox.RadioBoxTest) {{{Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "/Users/kevino/oss/wxWidgets/branches/SOC2007_UNITTEST/tests/unittest/", line 53, in testEnableItem
self.assert_(not self.testControl.IsItemEnabled(i))
- File "/Users/kevino/oss/wxWidgets/branches/SOC2007_UNITTEST/tests/unittest/", line 53, in testEnableItem
AssertionError }}}
Fail: testHide (testRadioBox.RadioBoxTest) {{{Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "/Users/kevino/oss/wxWidgets/branches/SOC2007_UNITTEST/tests/unittest/", line 438, in testHide
- self.assert_(not self.testControl.Hide())
- File "/Users/kevino/oss/wxWidgets/branches/SOC2007_UNITTEST/tests/unittest/", line 438, in testHide
AssertionError }}}
Fail: testLabelText (testRadioBox.RadioBoxTest) {{{Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "/Users/kevino/oss/wxWidgets/branches/SOC2007_UNITTEST/tests/unittest/", line 46, in testLabelText
self.assertEquals(label, self.testControl.GetLabel())
- File "/Users/kevino/oss/wxWidgets/branches/SOC2007_UNITTEST/tests/unittest/", line 46, in testLabelText
AssertionError: 'Hello &World' != u'Hello World' }}}
Fail: testShow (testRadioBox.RadioBoxTest) {{{Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "/Users/kevino/oss/wxWidgets/branches/SOC2007_UNITTEST/tests/unittest/", line 431, in testShow
- self.assert_(not self.testControl.Show())
- File "/Users/kevino/oss/wxWidgets/branches/SOC2007_UNITTEST/tests/unittest/", line 431, in testShow
AssertionError }}}
Fail: testShowItem (testRadioBox.RadioBoxTest) {{{Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "/Users/kevino/oss/wxWidgets/branches/SOC2007_UNITTEST/tests/unittest/", line 124, in testShowItem
self.assert_(not self.testControl.IsItemShown(i))
- File "/Users/kevino/oss/wxWidgets/branches/SOC2007_UNITTEST/tests/unittest/", line 124, in testShowItem
AssertionError }}}
Fail: testLabelText (testRadioButton.RadioButtonTest) {{{Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "/Users/kevino/oss/wxWidgets/branches/SOC2007_UNITTEST/tests/unittest/", line 46, in testLabelText
self.assertEquals(label, self.testControl.GetLabel())
- File "/Users/kevino/oss/wxWidgets/branches/SOC2007_UNITTEST/tests/unittest/", line 46, in testLabelText
AssertionError: 'Hello &World' != u'Hello World' }}}
Fail: testInvalidSizeHints (testSlider.SliderTest) {{{Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "/Users/kevino/oss/wxWidgets/branches/SOC2007_UNITTEST/tests/unittest/", line 308, in testInvalidSizeHints
self.assertRaises(wx.PyAssertionError, self.testControl.SetSizeHints, 100,100,10,10)
- File "/Users/kevino/oss/wxWidgets/branches/SOC2007_UNITTEST/tests/unittest/", line 308, in testInvalidSizeHints
AssertionError: PyAssertionError not raised }}}
Fail: testLabelText (testSlider.SliderTest) {{{Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "/Users/kevino/oss/wxWidgets/branches/SOC2007_UNITTEST/tests/unittest/", line 46, in testLabelText
self.assertEquals(label, self.testControl.GetLabel())
- File "/Users/kevino/oss/wxWidgets/branches/SOC2007_UNITTEST/tests/unittest/", line 46, in testLabelText
AssertionError: 'Hello &World' != u'Hello World' }}}
Fail: testLineSize (testSlider.SliderTest) {{{Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "/Users/kevino/oss/wxWidgets/branches/SOC2007_UNITTEST/tests/unittest/", line 39, in testLineSize
self.assertEquals(i, self.testControl.GetLineSize())
- File "/Users/kevino/oss/wxWidgets/branches/SOC2007_UNITTEST/tests/unittest/", line 39, in testLineSize
AssertionError: -1 != 0 }}}
Fail: testRect (testSlider.SliderTest) {{{Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "/Users/kevino/oss/wxWidgets/branches/SOC2007_UNITTEST/tests/unittest/", line 421, in testRect
self.assertEquals(rect, self.testControl.GetRect())
- File "/Users/kevino/oss/wxWidgets/branches/SOC2007_UNITTEST/tests/unittest/", line 421, in testRect
AssertionError: wx.Rect(10, 10, 18, 32757) != wx.Rect(10, 10, 18, 18) }}}
Fail: testSizeHints (testSlider.SliderTest) {{{Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "/Users/kevino/oss/wxWidgets/branches/SOC2007_UNITTEST/tests/unittest/", line 469, in testSizeHints
self.assertEquals(minH, self.testControl.GetMinHeight())
- File "/Users/kevino/oss/wxWidgets/branches/SOC2007_UNITTEST/tests/unittest/", line 469, in testSizeHints
AssertionError: 0 != 18 }}}
Fail: testLabelText (testSpinCtrl.SpinCtrlTest) {{{Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "/Users/kevino/oss/wxWidgets/branches/SOC2007_UNITTEST/tests/unittest/", line 46, in testLabelText
self.assertEquals(label, self.testControl.GetLabel())
- File "/Users/kevino/oss/wxWidgets/branches/SOC2007_UNITTEST/tests/unittest/", line 46, in testLabelText
AssertionError: 'Hello &World' != u'Hello World' }}}
Fail: testRect (testSpinCtrl.SpinCtrlTest) {{{Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "/Users/kevino/oss/wxWidgets/branches/SOC2007_UNITTEST/tests/unittest/", line 421, in testRect
self.assertEquals(rect, self.testControl.GetRect())
- File "/Users/kevino/oss/wxWidgets/branches/SOC2007_UNITTEST/tests/unittest/", line 421, in testRect
AssertionError: wx.Rect(10, 10, 30, 60) != wx.Rect(10, 10, 60, 60) }}}
Fail: testLabelText (testStaticText.StaticTextTest) {{{Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "/Users/kevino/oss/wxWidgets/branches/SOC2007_UNITTEST/tests/unittest/", line 46, in testLabelText
self.assertEquals(label, self.testControl.GetLabel())
- File "/Users/kevino/oss/wxWidgets/branches/SOC2007_UNITTEST/tests/unittest/", line 46, in testLabelText
AssertionError: 'Hello &World' != u'Hello World' }}}
Fail: testCopyCutPaste (testTextCtrl.TextCtrlTest) {{{Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "/Users/kevino/oss/wxWidgets/branches/SOC2007_UNITTEST/tests/unittest/", line 40, in testCopyCutPaste
self.assertEquals(txt1, self.testControl.GetValue())
- File "/Users/kevino/oss/wxWidgets/branches/SOC2007_UNITTEST/tests/unittest/", line 40, in testCopyCutPaste
AssertionError: 'Yet Another TextControl' != u'' }}}
Fail: testLabelText (testTextCtrl.TextCtrlTest) {{{Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "/Users/kevino/oss/wxWidgets/branches/SOC2007_UNITTEST/tests/unittest/", line 46, in testLabelText
self.assertEquals(label, self.testControl.GetLabel())
- File "/Users/kevino/oss/wxWidgets/branches/SOC2007_UNITTEST/tests/unittest/", line 46, in testLabelText
AssertionError: 'Hello &World' != u'Hello World' }}}
Fail: testMultiLine (testTextCtrl.TextCtrlTest) {{{Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "/Users/kevino/oss/wxWidgets/branches/SOC2007_UNITTEST/tests/unittest/", line 73, in testMultiLine
self.assert_(not self.testControl.IsSingleLine())
- File "/Users/kevino/oss/wxWidgets/branches/SOC2007_UNITTEST/tests/unittest/", line 73, in testMultiLine
AssertionError }}}
Fail: testValue (testTextCtrl.TextCtrlTest) {{{Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "/Users/kevino/oss/wxWidgets/branches/SOC2007_UNITTEST/tests/unittest/", line 165, in testValue
self.assertEquals(val, self.testControl.GetValue())
- File "/Users/kevino/oss/wxWidgets/branches/SOC2007_UNITTEST/tests/unittest/", line 165, in testValue
AssertionError: 'Hello, World!\nLorem Ipsum!' != u'Hello, World! Lorem Ipsum!' }}}
Fail: testLabelText (testToggleButton.ToggleButtonTest) {{{Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "/Users/kevino/oss/wxWidgets/branches/SOC2007_UNITTEST/tests/unittest/", line 46, in testLabelText
self.assertEquals(label, self.testControl.GetLabel())
- File "/Users/kevino/oss/wxWidgets/branches/SOC2007_UNITTEST/tests/unittest/", line 46, in testLabelText
AssertionError: 'Hello &World' != u'Hello World' }}}