
This recipe provides a "Fourier Demo" GUI, which is a reimplementation of one of the very first MATLAB GUIs developed at MathWorks in 1993 (right when Handle Graphics was introduced in MATLAB 4). It presents you with two waveforms - a Fourier transform pair - and allows you to manipulate some parameters (via clicking the waveforms and dragging, and controls) and shows how the waveforms are related.

I was very happy about how easily it came together and the performance of the resulting GUI. In particular the matplotlib events and interaction with wx is quite nice. The 'hitlist' of matplotlib figures is very convenient.

What Objects are Involved




Knob and Param

Special Concerns

Code Sample

Toggle line numbers
   1 import numpy as np
   2 import wx
   4 import matplotlib
   5 matplotlib.interactive(False)
   6 matplotlib.use('WXAgg')
   7 from matplotlib.backends.backend_wxagg import FigureCanvasWxAgg
   8 from matplotlib.figure import Figure
   9 from matplotlib.pyplot import gcf, setp
  12 class Knob:
  13     """
  14     Knob - simple class with a "setKnob" method.  
  15     A Knob instance is attached to a Param instance, e.g. param.attach(knob)
  16     Base class is for documentation purposes.
  17     """
  18     def setKnob(self, value):
  19         pass
  22 class Param:
  23     """
  24     The idea of the "Param" class is that some parameter in the GUI may have
  25     several knobs that both control it and reflect the parameter's state, e.g.
  26     a slider, text, and dragging can all change the value of the frequency in
  27     the waveform of this example.  
  28     The class allows a cleaner way to update/"feedback" to the other knobs when 
  29     one is being changed.  Also, this class handles min/max constraints for all
  30     the knobs.
  31     Idea - knob list - in "set" method, knob object is passed as well
  32       - the other knobs in the knob list have a "set" method which gets
  33         called for the others.
  34     """
  35     def __init__(self, initialValue=None, minimum=0., maximum=1.):
  36         self.minimum = minimum
  37         self.maximum = maximum
  38         if initialValue != self.constrain(initialValue):
  39             raise ValueError('illegal initial value')
  40         self.value = initialValue
  41         self.knobs = []
  43     def attach(self, knob):
  44         self.knobs += [knob]
  46     def set(self, value, knob=None):
  47         self.value = value
  48         self.value = self.constrain(value)
  49         for feedbackKnob in self.knobs:
  50             if feedbackKnob != knob:
  51                 feedbackKnob.setKnob(self.value)
  52         return self.value
  54     def constrain(self, value):
  55         if value <= self.minimum:
  56             value = self.minimum
  57         if value >= self.maximum:
  58             value = self.maximum
  59         return value
  62 class SliderGroup(Knob):
  63     def __init__(self, parent, label, param):
  64         self.sliderLabel = wx.StaticText(parent, label=label)
  65         self.sliderText = wx.TextCtrl(parent, -1, style=wx.TE_PROCESS_ENTER)
  66         self.slider = wx.Slider(parent, -1)
  67         self.slider.SetMax(param.maximum*1000)
  68         self.setKnob(param.value)
  70         sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
  71         sizer.Add(self.sliderLabel, 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALIGN_CENTER | wx.ALL, border=2)
  72         sizer.Add(self.sliderText, 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALIGN_CENTER | wx.ALL, border=2)
  73         sizer.Add(self.slider, 1, wx.EXPAND)
  74         self.sizer = sizer
  76         self.slider.Bind(wx.EVT_SLIDER, self.sliderHandler)
  77         self.sliderText.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT_ENTER, self.sliderTextHandler)
  79         self.param = param
  80         self.param.attach(self)
  82     def sliderHandler(self, evt):
  83         value = evt.GetInt() / 1000.
  84         self.param.set(value)
  86     def sliderTextHandler(self, evt):
  87         value = float(self.sliderText.GetValue())
  88         self.param.set(value)
  90     def setKnob(self, value):
  91         self.sliderText.SetValue('%g'%value)
  92         self.slider.SetValue(value*1000)
  95 class FourierDemoFrame(wx.Frame):
  96     def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
  97         wx.Frame.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
  99         self.fourierDemoWindow = FourierDemoWindow(self)
 100         self.frequencySliderGroup = SliderGroup(self, label='Frequency f0:', \
 101             param=self.fourierDemoWindow.f0)
 102         self.amplitudeSliderGroup = SliderGroup(self, label=' Amplitude a:', \
 103             param=self.fourierDemoWindow.A)
 105         sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
 106         sizer.Add(self.fourierDemoWindow, 1, wx.EXPAND)
 107         sizer.Add(self.frequencySliderGroup.sizer, 0, \
 108             wx.EXPAND | wx.ALIGN_CENTER | wx.ALL, border=5)
 109         sizer.Add(self.amplitudeSliderGroup.sizer, 0, \
 110             wx.EXPAND | wx.ALIGN_CENTER | wx.ALL, border=5)
 111         self.SetSizer(sizer)
 114 class FourierDemoWindow(wx.Window, Knob):
 115     def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
 116         wx.Window.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
 117         self.lines = []
 118         self.figure = Figure()
 119         self.canvas = FigureCanvasWxAgg(self, -1, self.figure)
 120         self.canvas.callbacks.connect('button_press_event', self.mouseDown)
 121         self.canvas.callbacks.connect('motion_notify_event', self.mouseMotion)
 122         self.canvas.callbacks.connect('button_release_event', self.mouseUp)
 123         self.state = ''
 124         self.mouseInfo = (None, None, None, None)
 125         self.f0 = Param(2., minimum=0., maximum=6.)
 126         self.A = Param(1., minimum=0.01, maximum=2.)
 127         self.draw()
 129         # Not sure I like having two params attached to the same Knob,
 130         # but that is what we have here... it works but feels kludgy -
 131         # although maybe it's not too bad since the knob changes both params
 132         # at the same time (both f0 and A are affected during a drag)
 133         self.f0.attach(self)
 134         self.A.attach(self)
 135         self.Bind(wx.EVT_SIZE, self.sizeHandler)
 137     def sizeHandler(self, *args, **kwargs):
 138         self.canvas.SetSize(self.GetSize())
 140     def mouseDown(self, evt):
 141         if self.lines[0] in self.figure.hitlist(evt):
 142             self.state = 'frequency'
 143         elif self.lines[1] in self.figure.hitlist(evt):
 144             self.state = 'time'
 145         else:
 146             self.state = ''
 147         self.mouseInfo = (evt.xdata, evt.ydata, max(self.f0.value, .1), self.A.value)
 149     def mouseMotion(self, evt):
 150         if self.state == '':
 151             return
 152         x, y = evt.xdata, evt.ydata
 153         if x is None:  # outside the axes
 154             return
 155         x0, y0, f0Init, AInit = self.mouseInfo
 156         self.A.set(AInit+(AInit*(y-y0)/y0), self)
 157         if self.state == 'frequency':
 158             self.f0.set(f0Init+(f0Init*(x-x0)/x0))
 159         elif self.state == 'time':
 160             if (x-x0)/x0 != -1.:
 161                 self.f0.set(1./(1./f0Init+(1./f0Init*(x-x0)/x0)))
 163     def mouseUp(self, evt):
 164         self.state = ''
 166     def draw(self):
 167         if not hasattr(self, 'subplot1'):
 168             self.subplot1 = self.figure.add_subplot(211)
 169             self.subplot2 = self.figure.add_subplot(212)
 170         x1, y1, x2, y2 = self.compute(self.f0.value, self.A.value)
 171         color = (1., 0., 0.)
 172         self.lines += self.subplot1.plot(x1, y1, color=color, linewidth=2)
 173         self.lines += self.subplot2.plot(x2, y2, color=color, linewidth=2)
 174         #Set some plot attributes
 175         self.subplot1.set_title("Click and drag waveforms to change frequency and amplitude", fontsize=12)
 176         self.subplot1.set_ylabel("Frequency Domain Waveform X(f)", fontsize = 8)
 177         self.subplot1.set_xlabel("frequency f", fontsize = 8)
 178         self.subplot2.set_ylabel("Time Domain Waveform x(t)", fontsize = 8)
 179         self.subplot2.set_xlabel("time t", fontsize = 8)
 180         self.subplot1.set_xlim([-6, 6])
 181         self.subplot1.set_ylim([0, 1])
 182         self.subplot2.set_xlim([-2, 2])
 183         self.subplot2.set_ylim([-2, 2])
 184         self.subplot1.text(0.05, .95, r'$X(f) = \mathcal{F}\{x(t)\}$', \
 185             verticalalignment='top', transform = self.subplot1.transAxes)
 186         self.subplot2.text(0.05, .95, r'$x(t) = a \cdot \cos(2\pi f_0 t) e^{-\pi t^2}$', \
 187             verticalalignment='top', transform = self.subplot2.transAxes)
 189     def compute(self, f0, A):
 190         f = np.arange(-6., 6., 0.02)
 191         t = np.arange(-2., 2., 0.01)
 192         x = A*np.cos(2*np.pi*f0*t)*np.exp(-np.pi*t**2)
 193         X = A/2*(np.exp(-np.pi*(f-f0)**2) + np.exp(-np.pi*(f+f0)**2))
 194         return f, X, t, x
 196     def repaint(self):
 197         self.canvas.draw()
 199     def setKnob(self, value):
 200         # Note, we ignore value arg here and just go by state of the params
 201         x1, y1, x2, y2 = self.compute(self.f0.value, self.A.value)
 202         setp(self.lines[0], xdata=x1, ydata=y1)
 203         setp(self.lines[1], xdata=x2, ydata=y2)
 204         self.repaint()
 207 class App(wx.App):
 208     def OnInit(self):
 209         self.frame1 = FourierDemoFrame(parent=None, title="Fourier Demo", size=(640, 480))
 210         self.frame1.Show()
 211         return True
 213 app = App()
 214 app.MainLoop()


Email the author at for comments and questions.

MatplotlibFourierDemo (last edited 2009-01-15 03:29:35 by adsl-99-145-0-118)

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