
Accelerator keys are often a more efficient way of interacting with a GUI that are mouse gestures. However, wxPython does not appear to offer a direct way of associating the label of a textbox, or of another control, with the control itself.

This recipe shows how to associate the accelerator keys implied by a collection of static labels with the appropriate controls in such a way that, when an accelerator key is pressed the associated control gains focus.

What Objects are Involved

Process Overview

In the following example:

Note that the method called focusHandler uses information that is accumulated in a dictionary to decide which control is to receive focus based on incoming menu event information.

Special Concerns

My main concern is that I might have failed to notice machinery that is already available in wxPython for doing this.

Code Sample

Toggle line numbers
   1 from wxPython.wx import *
   3 from re import compile,IGNORECASE
   5 class mainWindow(wxFrame):
   6     def __init__(self,parent,id,title):
   7         wxFrame.__init__(self,parent,-1,title,size=(500,200),
   8                         style=wxDEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE | wxNO_FULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE)
  10         self.mainPanel=wxPanel(self,-1)
  12         # create controls to be subsequently associated with accelerator keys
  13         self.dateEdit=wxTextCtrl(self.mainPanel,wxNewId(),'',(100,20))
  14         self.comboBox=wxComboBox(self.mainPanel,wxNewId() ,'',(100,40),(-1,-1),[],wxCB_DROPDOWN)
  15         self.activityEdit=wxTextCtrl(self.mainPanel,wxNewId(),'',(100,60))
  16         self.hoursEdit=wxTextCtrl(self.mainPanel,wxNewId(),'',(100,80))
  17         self.visitedBox=wxCheckBox(self.mainPanel,wxNewId(),'',(100,100))
  19         # instance a class that accummulates information about controls and accelerators
  20         accumAcceleratorTable=self.AccumAcceleratorTable(self,self.focusHandler)
  22         # as each label is created associate appropriate accelerator key with a control
  23         dateEditLabel=wxStaticText(self.mainPanel,-1,accumAcceleratorTable ('&Date',self.dateEdit),(10,20))
  24         clientEditLabel=wxStaticText(self.mainPanel,-1,accumAcceleratorTable ('&Client',self.comboBox),(10,40))
  25         activityEditLabel=wxStaticText(self.mainPanel,-1,accumAcceleratorTable ('&Activity',self.activityEdit),(10,60))
  26         hoursEditLabel=wxStaticText(self.mainPanel,-1,accumAcceleratorTable ('&Hours',self.hoursEdit),(10,80))
  27         visitedEditLabel=wxStaticText(self.mainPanel,-1,accumAcceleratorTable ('&Visited',self.visitedBox),(10,100))
  29         # put the accummulated accelerator table and associations to use
  30         self.SetAcceleratorTable(wxAcceleratorTable(accumAcceleratorTable.acceleratorTable))
  31         self.idControlDict=accumAcceleratorTable.idControlDict
  33         self.Show(True)
  35     def focusHandler(self,event):
  36         self.idControlDict[event.GetId()].SetFocus()
  38     class AccumAcceleratorTable:
  39         def __init__(self,parent,focusHandler):
  40             self.acceleratorTable=[]
  41             self.idControlDict={ }
  42             self.patt=compile(r'&([a-z])',IGNORECASE)
  43             self.focusHandler=focusHandler
  44             self.parent=parent
  46         def __call__(self,labelText,controlToFocus):
  47             # find the accelerator key,if any,in the label
  49             if result:
  50                 anId=wxNewId()
  51                 self.acceleratorTable.append(( wxACCEL_ALT,ord(,anId))
  52                 self.idControlDict[anId]=controlToFocus
  53                 EVT_MENU(self.parent,anId,self.focusHandler)
  54             return labelText
  56 class App(wxApp):
  57     def OnInit(self):
  58         frame=mainWindow(None,-1,"Associating labels with controls")
  59         self.SetTopWindow(frame)
  60         return True
  62 if __name__=="__main__":
  63     app=App(0)
  64     app.MainLoop()


If you have comments or suggestions, please contact Bill Bell.

FocusingControlsWithTheirLabels (last edited 2010-03-20 01:19:41 by cpe-76-173-187-46)

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