
Validators are objects that are used for checking syntax, often of the fairly short items that users enter by way of edit boxes in dialogs. State machines are an easily understood, easily comprehended way of representing the small grammars that typically describe these items of data. Hence the motivation to use state machines as the basis for validators.

Incidentally, regular expressions, which are equivalent to state machines, can be used to check input. However, in the context of accepting input from a user one character at a time, say in an edit box, one would like to be able to test this input incrementally, that is, as it arrives, to be able to offer immediate feedback.

This recipe is in four parts.

The first part provides state machine code that is derived from that presented by David Mertz' in his introduction to using state machines, which is available at

The second part shows how to use the state machine code to test the acceptability of strings against a simple grammar.

The third part exhibits the validator that uses state machines.

The fourth part provides some state machines that work with the validator.

What Objects are Involved

This code imports only one function from the new module that is standard Python.

Process Overview

One begins the job of creating a validator that is based on a state machine by creating and verifying the state machine. In this recipe part, though, the aim is not to build a state machine that will be used in a validator, only to exhibit a complete state machine in a simple setting.

A state machine is driven through its various states by a series of tokens. The sequence of tokens sent to the machine is said to be "acceptable" if it drives the machine to an "acceptable" end state. Otherwise, the sequence is deemed to be "unacceptable". In this example, the tokens that drive the machine are numbers that are generated by math_func. In a validator the sequence of tokens sent to the state machine is the sequence of characters entered by the user.

The functions called ones_counter, tens_counter, and so on, in fact all those with formal parameters self and token, represent the "states" of the machine. It is the responsibility of each of these functions to examine incoming tokens and, in some cases and in come circumstances, to accept further tokens for examination, and to decide which state should be selected next--or to reject the token, possibly by raising an exception.

Enough about details like that. Suffice to say that the StateMachine class presented here breathes life into the states, and that I hope to have saved you the need to change this class.

However, you should note that my class differs a little from Mertz':

Code Sample

   1 from new import instancemethod
   3 class EStringTooShort ( Exception ) : pass
   4 class EBadCharacter ( Exception ) : pass
   6 class TestStringResult :
   8     def __init__ ( self, name, value ) :
  10         self . name = name
  11         self . value = value
  13     def rejectCharacter ( self ) :
  15         return self . value in [ 1, 4 ]
  17     def validatedString ( self ) :
  19         return self . value == 3
  21     def __str__ ( self ) :
  23         return self . name
  25 BADCHARACTER = TestStringResult ( 'BADCHARACTER', 1 )
  26 STRINGTOOSHORT = TestStringResult ( 'STRINGTOOSHORT', 2 )
  27 OK = TestStringResult ( 'OK', 3 )
  28 STRINGTOOLONG = TestStringResult ( 'STRINGTOOLONG', 4 )
  30 class StateMachine :
  32     def __init__ ( self ) :
  34         self . handlers = { }
  35         self . startState = None
  36         self . endStates = [ ]
  37         self . allTokens = [ ]
  39     def addState ( self, handler, endState = False ) :
  41         method = instancemethod ( handler, self, StateMachine )
  42         self . __dict__ [ handler . __name__ ] = method
  43         name = handler . __name__ 
  44         self . handlers [ name ] = method 
  45         if endState : self . endStates . append ( name )
  47     def testString ( self, stringToTest ) :
  49         def oneAtATime ( str ) :
  51             for c in str : yield c
  52             raise EStringTooShort ( )
  54         self . allTokens = [ ]
  55         self . setTokens ( oneAtATime ( stringToTest ) )
  56         try : self . run ( )
  57         except EBadCharacter : return BADCHARACTER 
  58         except EStringTooShort : return STRINGTOOSHORT
  60         try : self . nextToken ( )
  61         except EStringTooShort : return OK
  62         else : return STRINGTOOLONG
  64     def setTokens ( self, tokens ) :
  66         self . tokens = tokens
  68     def nextToken ( self ) :
  70         if len ( self . pushedTokens ) :
  71             newToken = self . pushedTokens . pop ( -1 )
  72         else :
  73             newToken = self . tokens . next ( )
  74         self . allTokens . append ( newToken )
  75         return newToken 
  77     def pushToken ( self ) :
  79         token = self . allTokens . pop ( -1 )
  80         self . pushedTokens . append ( token )
  82     def setStartState ( self, handler ) :
  84         self . startState = handler . __name__ 
  86     def run ( self ) :
  88         try :
  89             handler = self . handlers [ self . startState ]
  90         except :
  91             raise "InitializationError", "must call .setStartState() before .run()"
  93         self . pushedTokens = [ ]
  94         token = self . nextToken ( )    
  96         if not self . endStates :
  97             raise "InitializationError", "at least one state must be an end state"
  99         while 1 :
 100             newState, token = handler ( token )
 101             if newState  in self . endStates:
 102                 if self . handlers [ newState ] : 
 103                     self . handlers [ newState ] ( token )
 104                 break 
 105             else:
 106                 handler = self . handlers [ newState ] 
 108 if __name__ == "__main__" :
 110     from math import sin
 112     def ones_state ( self, token ) :
 114         print "ONES_STATE: ",
 115         while 1:
 116             if token <= 0 or token >= 30 : newState =  "end_state" ; break
 117             elif 20 <= token < 30 : newState =  "twenties_state"; break
 118             elif 10 <= token < 20 : newState =  "tens_state"; break
 119             else : print " @ %2.1f+" % token,
 120             token = self . nextToken ( )
 121         print " >>"
 122         return newState, token
 124     def tens_state ( self, token ) :
 126         print "TENS_STATE: ",
 127         while 1:
 128             if token <= 0 or token >= 30 : newState =  "end_state"; break
 129             elif 1 <= token < 10 : newState =  "ones_state"; break
 130             elif 20 <= token < 30 : newState =  "twenties_state"; break
 131             else : print " #%2.1f+" % token,
 132             token = self . nextToken ( )
 133         print " >>"
 134         return newState, token
 136     def twenties_state ( self, token ) :
 138         print "TWENTIES_STATE: ",
 139         while 1:
 140             if token <= 0  or  token >= 30 : newState =  "end_state"; break
 141             elif 1 <= token < 10 : newState =  "ones_state"; break
 142             elif 10 <= token < 20 : newState =  "tens_state"; break
 143             else : print " *%2.1f+" % token,
 144             token = self . nextToken ( )
 145         print " >>"
 146         return newState, token
 148     def end_state ( self, token ) :
 150         print "END_STATE: %2.1f" % token
 152     def math_func ( n ) : 
 154         while 1 :
 155             n = abs ( sin ( n ) ) * 31
 156             yield n
 158     statemachine = StateMachine ( )
 159     statemachine . addState ( ones_state )
 160     statemachine . addState ( tens_state )
 161     statemachine . addState ( twenties_state )
 162     statemachine . addState ( end_state, True )
 163     statemachine . setStartState ( ones_state )
 164     statemachine . setTokens ( math_func ( 1 ) )
 165     statemachine . run ( )


I welcome your comments. - Bill Bell

Creating Validators Based on State Machines, Part I (last edited 2008-03-11 10:50:25 by localhost)

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