
Introduce the topic for your cookbook here.

What Objects are Involved

Describe the various components (both regular Python objects and wx objects). An indented list would work well -- the object listed at the higher level, with an explanation for how it fits in at a lower level.

Process Overview

Describe what you have to do to make the pieces work with each other. If there are pieces you have to inherit from, describe which ones you use, why, and what additional capabilities you add.

Special Concerns

This is the place to list anything such as

Code Sample

Toggle line numbers
   1 import wx
   3 # put your sample code here


This is the place that you can add your plans for the future of this page, tell people how to contact you, or leave feedback for the author of the page.

CookbookTemplate (last edited 2010-05-06 18:43:34 by c-98-246-90-205)

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