
Where you can get Poedit from

How to setup Poedit for Python/wxPython

Creating a new translation catalog

Use the Catalog Manager for your translation projects

I would recommend to use the catalog manager, as it gives you fast and easy access to all your translation projects. If you do turn the following setting on, so Poedit starts with the Catalog Manager.

Updating .po and .mo files after you made source code changes

  1. Update from sources
    • Start Poedit and select the appropriate project and language you want to work on, this will open the Poedit with the appropriate .po file
    • Click on the wheel icon or select Catalog/Update from sources
  2. Review strings marked as "fuzzy" (yellow) or "not translated (greenish)
  3. When done save it and Poedit will create the .mo file (unless you changed your Preferences/Editor


Any suggestions to enhance this page are welcome. You can contact me at []

poEdit (last edited 2008-03-11 10:50:20 by localhost)

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