
This page is meant to be the end-all/be-all for all information relating to using XRC files, both in C++ and in wxPython. If you have come to this page expecting pure Python or pure C++, you will be heavily disappointed. Both languages are given full attention here.

As of right now, there is very little here. This is meant to simply be a placeholder page to get things started. More will be forthcoming as quickly as possible.

XRC Editors

XRCed, XRCed Wish List

There is a list on this page: UsingXmlResources

Using XRC with wxPython

Using XRC with wxPython

Opening XRC Files

Embedding XRC Files In Code

Some simple examples can be found here:

A nice introduction: Cross Platfrom Desktop Apps with Python with sample code:

Using wxrc

Using pywxrc

Python XML resource compiler pywxrc

Subclassing Controls


Custom Controls

Using XRC with C++

Using XRC with C++

Opening XRC Files

Embedding XRC Files In Code

Using wxrc

Using pywxrc

This is, unfortunately, not possible at this time. Pywxrc is for Python use only.

Subclassing Controls

Custom Controls

XRC resources format specification


wxWidgets Wiki

wxWidgets wiki contains extensive information about XRC file format

Page Comments

This section is dedicated to User Comments. See TheRules for why this section exists, and why it is down here.

XRCInformation (last edited 2012-12-04 17:56:12 by p54B3C9B8)

NOTE: To edit pages in this wiki you must be a member of the TrustedEditorsGroup.