wxPython Properties Distribution


An alternative to the wxWindows property editing classes for use with wxPython 2.3.3 (and above) and Python 2.2 (and above). It allows property editing with python objects (as opposed to the wxWindows property editors, which manipulate primitive data types).

There are 3 packages included in the distribution:


Note: this is early alpha software, expect that there will be bugs, and that the APIs will change over time.

The homepage for the distribution is:

Generally speaking, you should get the latest released version available on this page. If you have CVS available, a more appropriate option for contributing and/or keeping current is to use the SourceForge CVS repository. You can find information on the CVS repository here:

You'll need to install the following dependencies before installing the wxPython properties distribution:

To install the properties distribution from the source archive, you will use the standard python distutils approach.

To install the properties distribution from CVS, the recommended approach is:

Alternately, for those not intending to help with the development of the properties distribution (though realistically, it is probably too early for such people to be working with the package), you could check out just the 3 packages directly into a directory on your PythonPath.

wxPython Properties Distribution (last edited 2008-03-11 10:50:36 by localhost)

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