wxPython Demo Maintenance

This wiki page is a place to coordinate efforts to maintain and update the wxPython demo, especially during the transition from V2.4 to V2.5. This point is especially critical because wxPython is moving completely to the new wx namespace.

Front matter

One person is coordinating this effort, though all are welcome to contribute.


If you wish to contribute to this effort, we ask that you work within this framework if possible:

Coding Guidelines

Robin has requested a number of things as we progress through the demo, and there are some things I'd like to see as well. Most are optional, but the more that gets done, the better the demo will be.


Contributors of libraries or other custom work to the body of work of wxPython are requested to update thier demos themselves. This is not a requirement -- what we don't get contributed by the authors will be modified by the demo team, but this does provide the best assurance that the code is modified appropriately.

If you have a class or library contributed and don't intend to upate the demo, please update the coordinator regarding this and we'll take care of the rest.



How about this: ["wxPython 2.5 Demo Update Status"]

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