XRCed Wish List

1. A simple way to add support for custom (read "written by you") controls. I think it might be really cool to only have to add a function that returns a dict of the attributes that can be set on the control, and then add the module that contains the control to a list somewhere accessible from the XRCed GUI. --EliGolovinsky

2. A graphic way to put controls on a container at a fixed position with a fixed size. I even think this should be the default behavior to ease the use of XRCed for first time users. --EliGolovinsky

3. A way to define which event handlers the control should handle. The code generator (pywxrc) will then be able to generate empty overridable methods. --EliGolovinsky

4. Code generation for languages other than Python : starting with C++ and then on to Perl, Ruby and anything else that has wx bindings. --EliGolovinsky

5. Refactor to make it easy to embed XRCed functionality into other applications, such as full fledged IDEs or RAD tools. --RobinDunn

6. An option to always set default 5pt borders on all sides for all new controls. --EliGolovinsky

7. A way to select multiple controls for delete / cut / copy. --EliGolovinsky

8. The ability to select a group of controls/containers and say "wrap these in a sizer of this kind". --DonDwiggins

9. Drag-and-drop of controls for reorganization. One issue I found while trying to use XRCed the other day was that trying to insert a predecessor sibling was a bit of a pain. Offering a drag-and-drop method for moving around entire sections of the tree would be nice. One would need to be careful about whether a drop is 'insert as sibling before', 'insert as sibling after', and 'add as child', though I believe the child case is solvable with temporary dummy controls (you only need to add siblings). --JosiahCarlson

10. Allow importing part of or all of another XRC file into the one being edited. --DonDwiggins

11. Provide for "templates" or a kind of macro facility that makes it easy to do common things like label-control pairs. --DonDwiggins

12. Allow specifying the size of a window (control or container) in terms other than absolute pixels. For instance, "I want a text control just large enough to hold the string '12345-6789' in the standard font". For another: make this window 110% of the size of that other one (horizontally, vertically, or both). --DonDwiggins

13. Allow specifying one or both of a minimum and maximum size. --DonDwiggins

14. Define defaults for sizer flags for different controls : panels should be added with wx.EXPAND and proportion=1, and buttons without wx.EXPAND and proportion=0. --EliGolovinsky (stolen shamelessly from Ed Leafe and DaboUI :)

15. Rename the 'option' arument to 'proportion' like it should be and like it is named in the code. --EliGolovinsky

16. Create shortcut buttons for alignment and proportion (like the ones used in wxDesigner). --EliGolovinsky

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