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> <)>>'''大家好!''' 欢迎来到 '''wxPy''''''Wiki''', (发音:wix-pee-wi-kee)它是一个关于[[wxPython]]工程发展的协作工作平台,使用MoinMoin实施. 在这里,每个人都可以编辑内容,你仅仅需要遵循[[规则]]或者查看[[这个]] ;-) .此'''wxPy''''''Wiki''' 的目的是提供文档,例子,错误等等.为了帮助人们学习,理解和使用[[wxPython]]. 这些准则对于任何人来讲都是公平的游戏. <)>>
注: 如果想进入wxPython主站请点击 [[http://wxpython.org/|这儿]].
. 学习wxthon:
* [[入门]] -- 程序运行起来
* [[How to Learn wxPython]] -- Basics about teaching yourself wxPython
* [[Using wxPython Demo Code]] - Explains how to take code from the wxPython Demo and use it in your own projects
* [[http://showmedo.com/videos/series?name=PythonWxPythonBeginnersSeries|ShowMeDo]] -- Kyran Dale's excellent video series
* YouTubeVideoSeries -- wxPython Programming Tutorial on youtube
* [[wxPython Style Guide]] -- Elements of good coding style for wxPython
* ObstacleCourse -- A series of self-teaching tutorials
* [[StephenMtangoo/Mtangoo Code snippets|wxPython Classes interactions]]
* [[http://www.learningpython.com/2007/01/29/creating-a-gui-using-python-wxwidgets-and-wxpython/|www.learningpython.com]] -- Creating a GUI using Python, wxWidgets, and wxPython - An introductory tutorial
* [[http://zetcode.com/wxpython|The wxPython Guide]] -- Beyond AnotherTutorial
* WxGladeTutorial -- How to use the wxGlade GUI to produce wxPython applications
* [[self.Bind vs. self.button.Bind]] -- When to bind directly to the source widget
* SizerTutorials - A series of tutorials showing how to use the various sizers
* [[wxPython by Example]] - A simple example the illustrates several techniques that would be useful in a proper application.
> Answering Questions:
* [[Choosing wxPython over Tkinter]] -- Comparisons with the ''other'' GUI toolkit
* [[Frequently Asked Questions]] -- Answers to a few FAQs
* [[Asking For Help]] -- Read this if you need help with your code.
> Recipes and Examples:
* '''[[wxPython Cookbook]]''' -- Recipes for cooking specific features using wxPython
* '''[[wxPython Patterns]]''' -- Recipes and documents describing wxPython and design patterns
* '''[[GridCellChoiceEditor]]''' -- Dynamic list updating with a wx.grid.GridCellChoiceEditor
> Other Documentation:
* '''[[wxPythonInAction]]''' -- Info about the wxPython Book ('''[[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/W00t|w00t!]]''')
* [[Other Docs]] -- Including OSX help and hints
* [[XRCInformation]] -- Information regarding XRC files, and usage under wxPython and C++
* [[XRCTutorial]] -- An introduction and guide to using XRC
* [[XRCAndI18N]] -- An internationalization experience lesson
* [[XRCed Tutorial]] -- A walkthrough on building a basic wx app, from design in XRCed to the Python code to installation with py2exe/py2app.
* UsingXmlResources -- Examples of XRC programs
* [[http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/wxpython/wxPython-newdocs-|wxPython-API-Reference Download]] -- Download the wxPython-API-Reference. (Created with [[http://epydoc.sourceforge.net/|Epydoc]].)
* [[wxSizer in python]]
* [[http://batok.github.com/virtualenvwxp|virtualenv and wxPython]] -- A brief guide to using virtualenv in a wxPython project
> The wxPython''''''Pit:
* [[wxPythonPit Apps]] -- Links to apps that use wxPython
* [[wxPythonPit Libs]] -- Links to libs you can use in your wxPython apps
* [[http://xoomer.alice.it/infinity77/main/freeware.html|Andrea's Freeware Section]]
> For wxPython developers and contributors:
* [[Helping Out]]
* VersionSelection
* MultiVersionInstalls
* TentativeRoadmap
* [[wxPRE]]
* [[wxPython Demo]] Update
* [[wxPython Third-party libraries]] Update
* TheBounties
* ProjectPhoenix
> Other wxPython-related projects:
* [[http://avc.inrim.it/|AVC, Application View Controller]] a fully automatic, live connection among graphical interface widgets and application variables.
* [[Boa Constructor]]
* WxWrappers - application frameworks written around WxPython, such as PythonCard and [[Wax]]
* [[wxGlade]], [[wxDesigner]] and [[http://www.wxformbuilder.org/|wxFormBuilder]] - graphic editors
> Didn't find what you are looking for? You can:
* Ask about it on the
[[wxPython-users]] or [[wxPython-docs]] mail lists
* [[http://lists.wxwindows.org/cgi-bin/search.cgi|Search]] the mail lists, (it also searches the [[http://wxWidgets.org/|wxWidgets]] mail lists.)
* Look at the
[[http://wiki.wxwidgets.org/wiki.pl?Table_Of_Contents|wxWidgets Wiki]]
* WriteItYourself, just be sure to follow TheRules.
* WxSmallApp, and updated version of SmallApp