= Introduction = Greetings! The obstacle course is a collection of wxPython challenges that you can undertake. == Obstacles == * Take 1-4 hours to complete. * Have clear requirements. * Point the challenger to relevant resources: * Static documentation * Relevant wiki pages * Require reasonable exertion on the part of the challenger. * Utilize skills gained from previous challenges. If you want to help build up the course, read the ObstacleCourseConstruction notes. == Grade == There are two grades of obstacles: * Newbie * For people brand new to wxPython. * Pretty linear progression. * Features: * Installation, joining mailing lists. * Going through [[Getting Started]], with some challenges along the way. * Tweaking demo samples. * Capable * For people who have completed the Newbie track. * Branches out; Not linear. * Grouped lessons, by subject matter. == Motivation == Obstacle Courses exist to help you: * '''Exercise''' your wxPython skills. * '''Build confidence''' in wxPython. * '''Learn''' to use wxPython better. * '''Understand''' the capabilities & limitations of wxPython. * '''Be exposed to things''' you might not see amidst ingrained programming habits. * '''Get help:''' Elders are prepared to help newcomers because the problem set is shared in common. * '''Have fun!''' It's easy to read a bunch of documents, and still not know anything. By tackling well graded problems, we grow. == The End == Get started! Proceed to the ObstacleCourse! == Ideas == Your contributions are invited!: * A mailing list for people undergoing obstacles? * Badges? (As in, Boy/Girl Scounts) * (Honor system.) * Signify capability. * Signify willingness to help. * Are fun. == Comments == Add your comments here: * All done writing this! Hope to see participants. {:)}= -- LionKimbro