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## page was renamed from TextCtrlAutoComplete (Phoenix)

How to create a task bar icon (Phoenix)

Keywords : Task bar icon.

Introduction :

Some applications are placed on a taskbar. It is an area on a panel usually at the right bottom of the screen. They are represented by a small icon. They are specialized programs designed to do some specific task. Common examples are a clock, sound mixer, language switcher. They are also called applets. In wxPython we have a

TaskbarIcon class for creating such applets.

The constructor does not take any parameters.

wx.adv import TaskBarIcon as TaskBarIcon

Available methods


destroys a taskbaricon object

SetIcon(wx.Icon icon, string tooltip)

sets an icon with optional tooltip


checks if the icon is set


checks if the object is created


removes the icon

PopupMenu(wx.Menu menu)

pops up a menu

Demonstrating :

Tested py3.x, wx4.x and Win10.

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Sample one


Toggle line numbers
   1 # sample_one.py

Download source


Additional Information

Link :

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Thanks to

Jan Bodnar (sample_one.py coding), the wxPython community...

About this page

Date(d/m/y) Person (bot) Comments :

16/12/20 - Ecco (Created page for wxPython Phoenix).


- blah, blah, blah....

How to create a task bar icon (Phoenix) (last edited 2020-12-28 14:29:04 by Ecco)

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