
How to add icons to notebook tabs.

What Objects are Involved

Process Overview

  1. Create a notebook and add some panels to it.
  2. Load images into image list.
  3. Assign images in list to coresponding notebook page's tab.

Special Concerns

I took a code snippet from an app I'm working on, so this is by no means a working program, just an example. Some things were taken from the wxPython demo. I added more comments to the code. What is assumed:

Code Sample

   1 def note_book(self):
   2     # don't want to be typing 'self.' a bunch of times ;)
   3     notebook = self.notebook
   5     #make the notebook pages:
   6     # in this case each notebook page (or panel) is its own class, they are too
   7     # large to keep all in one file. The function called is
   8     # the panel constructor (wx.Panel). They need to be passed the 'notebook' so
   9     # they know what their parent is.
  10     pickerPanel = picker.pickerPanel(notebook)
  11     mainPanel = main.mainPanel(notebook)
  12     numberPanel = numbering.numberingPanel(notebook)
  13     DateTimePanel = DateTime.DateTimePanel(notebook)
  14     errorPanel = errors.errorPanel(notebook)
  16     #add notebook pages to notebook:
  17     # 1st variable of 'AddPage' is previously described panel, 2nd
  18     # variable is text to be displayed
  19     notebook.AddPage(pickerPanel, 'Picker')        
  20     notebook.AddPage(mainPanel, '- Main -')
  21     notebook.AddPage(numberPanel, 'Numbering')
  22     notebook.AddPage(DateTimePanel, 'Date and Time ')
  23     notebook.AddPage(errorPanel, 'Errors: 0    ')
  25     #list containing notebook images:
  26     # .ico seem to be more OS portable 
  27     il = wx.ImageList(16, 16) #the (16, 16) is the size in pixels of the images
  28     img0 = il.Add(wx.Bitmap('art/icons/picker.ico', wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ICO))
  29     img1 = il.Add(wx.Bitmap('art/icons/main.ico', wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ICO))
  30     img2 = il.Add(wx.Bitmap('art/icons/numbering.ico', wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ICO))
  31     img3 = il.Add(wx.Bitmap('art/icons/date_time.ico', wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ICO))
  32     img4 = il.Add(wx.Bitmap('art/icons/errors.png', wx.BITMAP_TYPE_PNG))
  34     #set images to pages:
  35     #first assign image list created above to notebook:
  36     notebook.AssignImageList(il)
  37     #then assign each image in list to coresponding page.
  38     #the sharp-eyed will see you could use a loop for this,
  39     #but for maximum clarity/understanding I'm using the long way...
  40     notebook.SetPageImage(0, img0)
  41     notebook.SetPageImage(1, img1)
  42     notebook.SetPageImage(2, img2)
  43     notebook.SetPageImage(3, img3)
  44     notebook.SetPageImage(4, img4)
  46     # if this isn't called the notebook background color doesn't work right when switching
  47     # themes in XP.
  48     self.notebook.SetBackgroundColour(self.notebook.GetThemeBackgroundColour())


ianaré sévi (ianare at gmail dot com)

IconsInNotebookTabs (last edited 2008-03-11 10:50:23 by localhost)

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